Magic Knot Spells That Work for Love And Protection

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Dr. Nana Magic Knot Spells Cast for Beginners

This most powerful love spell falls under the category of magic for beginners. Knotted magic, also called rope magic, consists of casting spells using the physical act of tying and / or loosening knots to create or release the spell. In this article we will see what knots mean in witchcraft, we will talk about how these spells work and how to make knots for love, protection and other purposes, using simple and effective magic.

Why Cast My Magic Knot Spells? Do they Work?

Generally, magic with knots requires a piece of string. A witch can choose to use yarn, string, ribbons, or whatever she has on hand. Any piece of rope can be used. Some witches have a dedicated ball or you can use any old piece of string you find, although it’s a good idea to clean it first to make sure it does not have energies that can interfere with your spell.

Many witches prefer to use a thread (or ribbon, etc.) in a color that corresponds to their purpose, but some use only one color (usually black or white) for all purposes. Often, the cord is tied nine times, but not always. Sometimes a number is chosen using numerical symbolism and sometimes it is chosen to represent a specific concept or quantity. Sometimes many knots are tied together as a kind of meditative practice. With each knot that is tied, the intention on which you are meditating becomes stronger on the rope. The yarn used in this most powerful love spell free can even be decorative and used as an accessory or hanging in the home.

How To Cast My Magic Knot Spells Effectively

There are as many different specific methods to cast a spell with knots as there are magic practitioners. The determining factor is that at least one knot is tied in the course of the spell and the knot serves as a representation or container for the spell. The symbolism of tying a knot adapts to the symbolism of restricting or controlling activity. One can use knot tying to symbolize tying the hands of an individual whose actions are helpful, or tying someone’s mouth to remain closed. For these spells, you can use a piece of yarn from a person’s clothing or even a braid of your hair to do witchcraft with knots in your hair. Would you like to know more about powerful knot spells and other most powerful love spell free? Use the form below to contact me.

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