Powerful Ritual of Abundance During The New Moon

🔮Let Dr. Nana professionally cast this spell for you🏆

The new moon abundance spell you have been looking for

The abundance check is a new moon abundance spell we can use to create more abundance in our lives. They are done within 24 hours after a New Moon (they can also be made the next 3 days and have the same effect). Surprisingly, you do not even need to really believe that the abundance check works when you write it down. However you will be amazed by the results, as you will see increasing abundance in your life, in some area of ​​life. It is not always financial, but certainly in an area that you need.

It is important to know the sign of the new moon before drawing this

As you prepare to draw the abundance check, it is very important for you to know the sign of the new moon at the time of casting. With the Moon in that particular sign, all the requests that have to do with creative projects, the determination to achieve the objectives and our personal fulfilment are favoured, all those requests that have to do with the sentimental relationships and with our children. Contact me if you would like to know about signs before using this new moon abundance spell.

Are you sick? You can receive that health today

In terms of health, we can take advantage of it to ask for healing of the back, spine, heart, exhaustion and inflammations, in case we have any suffering of this nature. Let us seize this time to sow everything we want to eradicate, change, obtain, improve, solve and bring all those issues that stop you from receiving abundance to an end. This is your only chance to resolve all those issues as you wait for other things to unfold in your life.

How To Make the check of abundance. Follow the below steps
  • Within 24 hours of entering the New Moon, take a check from your checkbook. Where it says “Pay:” type your name.
  • In the row or upper box on the right or in the same line (according to the check model) where you would write a quantity of money in figures, write “pay all debt” or “pay in full”.
  • In the line below your name, where you would write an amount of money in, also write “pay all debt” or “Pay in full”.

  • Sign the check with the phrase: “The Law of Abundance.”
  • Do not put a date on the check. Do not write a specific amount of money on the check.

  • Put it in a safe place and forget about it.
  • The Universe will take it from there. Many people are skeptical about trying this until they do. After the first time they realize the power of these checks and do them routinely every month! Try it and you will see !.

    If you would like to know more about the new moon abundance spell, contact me for more details.

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