Easy Love Spells To Make Someone Fall In Love With You

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Easy Love Spells To Make Someone Fall In Love With You

From the olden days, from the times of ancient Egypt, love spells and spells from the book of shadows have accompanied us to the present moments. Although many people seem to have doubts in magic and magic spells, that does not change the fact that love spells have been existent and have helped people for many generations.

The easy love spells to make someone love you are an excellent resource if you are in love.

But, love has to come your end with some effort

Are you one of those who think that love comes without effort? Do you think that there is nothing that must be done for the person you love to notice you?

If that is the case with you, then you are really far from reality. In life, things do not happen just because they were meant to happen.

There are powerful love spells from the book of shadows that you can use to change the course of your love life and make everything happen according to your will. They will help you attract love and bring it closer than you might think.

You do not have to worry if love is not coming your way

With powerful love spells from the book of shadows, any wish of yours will come to fulfillment. For example, if what you want is to recover lost love and improve your lover’s feelings towards you, the powerful black magic spells from the book of shadows can help. Love spells are an aid to attract the beloved person, to make him come back to you to make him focus his attention on you.

These spells do not force the will of anyone, but crystallize the existing love and make the energy of love flow for a good end.

There are many love spells from the book of shadows: To find love, to increase passion, to win back love, to prevent infidelities and much more. Given so much variety we have to know, I can only recommend for you a specific one after assessing your condition and your problem.

Easy but powerful love spells from the book of shadows

For many years, the human being has pursued his ambitions and has maintained a close relationship with love spells from the book of shadows.

With the help of black and white magic, many ways have been created to get the love of that special person by any possible method, and this is where I would like to let you know some of the spells and rituals that you can use to have love of that person you long for in your life.

Love is a rather complicated concept in many cases, but for people willing to give their all for it, there are no limits that can change a deep desire. If what you want is to get easy love spells from the book of shadows so that the love of your life can be yours forever.

However, as you cast any of them, you must be faithful

I must mention that powerful love spells from the book of shadows are normally done so that the feelings of the other person for us can change.

Love between a man and a woman is the most essential and natural sign that exists, not only in humans but also in animals. It is for this reason that easy love spells are the best option to consider in these cases.

But, before you resort to magic, you must completely believe that magic has the ability to help you and change the course of your life.

As I have already mentioned, when someone says an incantation or prayer or a love prayer with faith, however small it may be, it opens the doors to generate a direct impact on the love life of a person that we are casting the spell on. You just have to keep in mind that the mind is the direct channel for spells from the book of shadows to have a positive effect in pursuit of the goal we want to achieve.

Powerful love Spells to make a man fall in love with you

You are in love with him, but he does not even know you exist. Have you tried the love spells from the book of shadows? They will help you attract him to you. Sometimes, it could be that you still feel love for that person who separated from you. This is what usually happens when you have just separated from a relationship.

However, if time has passed – I am talking about a period of at least a year – and you still want that man or woman by your side; the love spells from the book of shadows may be more than useful to help you. Remember that he was once in love with you, but there was something he did not like. As a result, your relationship with that person came to an end.

However, this does not mean that you cannot recover the love of that person. This powerful love spell from the book of shadows will help you achieve your dreams.

Easy spell from the book of shadows to make someone fall in love with you

This book of shadows love spell the one for those couples who separated for travel or study reasons.

It is advisable to do it on a Friday during a full moon.

  • 1 red candle
  • Rosemary Incense
  • 1 tablespoon oregano seeds.
  • 1 piece of parchment paper.
  • 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds
  • 1 black ink pen
  • 1 tablespoon dried basil
  • Matches
  • 3 drops of olive oil
  • Cauldron or fire resistant dish.


  1. First, draw a ritual circle and invoke the four cardinal points.
  2. Following this, light the pink candle and place it in the center of the circle.
  3. Light the rosemary incense using the candle flame.
  4. Write your name and your lover’s name on the parchment paper already prepared with the red ink pen. While doing this, place the paper in the middle of the circle and pour seven drops of the candle wax on top of your names, visualize yourself and your partner together while placing the coriander, basil and poppy seeds on top of the wax.
  5. Add the 3 drops of olive oil to the mixture and let spill another 7 drops of wax on top of what you already placed.
  6. Do this while visualizing yourself and your partner giving yourself a new opportunity.

  7. Fold the paper 7 times and burn it on top of the plate or cauldron. Proceed to blow out the candles, thanking the 4 cardinal points.
  8. Pour the ashes of the paper into a stream of water, be it a river or a stream, in this way the spell is culminated.

When it comes to love, anything is possible, especially if it is a woman’s love. If you had a special woman in your life and you want her to come back, you can use this easy love spell from the book of shadows to make it happen.

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