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This is more of a prayer that should be presented before the Archangel Zadkiel. Wrangles, quarrels and disagreements sometimes enshroud many relationships. However, it is very important that you forgive in order to ensure that your relationship grows. But because human beings are naturally unforgiving, it may be hard to adopt this attitude.
The attitude of forgiveness of others or ourselves has the power to release a powerful healing energy and transforms many situations, thereby improving the inner attitude of our “I”. Unforgiveness can bring much unhappiness, but can be counteracted a little with this daily ritual.


Recite this prayer daily, preferably at bedtime, for spiritual teachers say that the grace of forgiveness does sprout in our hearts during bedtime. Remember to arm yourself with at least 9 red candles. These candles should be lit and placed in a circular manner such that room is created for you to sit in the middle.

“O for your beloved presence, Holy Christ, Self of all humanity, Beloved Saint Germaine, our Beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, the Archangels of the violet flame, now invoke all the Great White Brotherhood Spirit to establish forgiveness in our hearts, minds and beings .
Whoever has hurt us in this or other lifetimes, unshackle today the chains that bind us from forgiving and give us the conviction to maintain the power of forgiveness in our hands. Teach us forgiveness so we can forgive, in total freedom in all aspects of life, I pray to the powers of the Board of Karma and the infinite power of light to forgive mankind for all their mistakes. Instill love in us, Instill the spirit of forgiveness in us, and teach us to be one with you.”

After you have said the above prayer:
light three white candles representing the trinity and say The Lord’s prayer
This simple love spell is a love spell that works. As soon as the prayers are recited, you will discover that your spouse has developed a forgiving heart and happiness has been restored in the family. For effective results, cast the spell every Sabbath.

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