Marie Laveau’s House Of Voodoo Still Has Its Legacy To Date


Marie Laveau’s House Of Voodoo Still Has Its Legacy To Date

Welcome to my review of Marie Laveau’s house of voodoo. The name โ€œMarie Laveau โ€œis one that is very famous in the circles of those who believe in voodoo. But, who was she? Well, she was a voodoo priestess (Mambo) from New Orleans. She lived at a time when racial tensions between the whites and the blacks in the United States were at their peak. Actually, many even wonder how she got about marrying a white man, yet the laws of the day did not permit that. However, we can actually conclude that whatever happened in her life and whatever she made to happen; everything was a product of Marie Laveau’s house of voodoo whose legacy can still be felt today.

What she did with voodoo is what you too can do with voodoo

One of things that made this woman famous was her generosity. She was not only generous, but also compassionate. In her care were the destitute, the suffering, the sick and the forgotten of the world at that time. She nursed them, gave them food and improved their lives using voodoo magic. Her service reflected the only attribute of voodoo magic: to help the helpless of this world, to heal and solve problems that human beings cannot solve using their knowledge or wisdom. That still remains a trademark of Marie Laveau’s house of voodoo.

Marie Laveau’s house of voodoo has a lot to offer you

From the beginning of time, voodoo has often been used to affect reality. For instance, when our ancestors were faced with many insecurities and problems of life; they often resorted to invoking โ€œBondyeโ€, the all powerful creator of the universe to come and help them. This tradition did not, however, die with them. Through the many generations of human existence; this wisdom was transmitted by word of mouth to the young, who would in turn do the same to their children. Today, there are those who have the knowledge to invoke the voodoo gods to come and help a person to attract love, get rid of enemies, restore broken love, improve businesses, improve life and change the life of a suffering man. All these are products of Marie Laveau’s house of voodoo and legacies of her works can be seen in her spells.

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