Wiccan Marriage Spell To Make Someone Marry You

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Wiccan Marriage Spell To Make Someone Marry You

The spell that I am going to present in this post is an easy Wiccan marriage spell to make someone marry you. The purpose for which it is designed is to lure the man who will marry you to your doorstep. This easy spells use peas as one of the basic ingredients. But, why peas? Because it is a sacred element in the eyes of the goddess of the heart, love, and fertility. The fresh green color of the pods symbolizes a love that is pure and true. The shape of the empty pods alludes to the shape of the male and female sexual organs and the pod itself symbolizes home for future children.

You can also strengthen commitment in your relationship using this Wiccan spell

If you want to strengthen your commitment to an existing partner or create a meaningful commitment and marriage with someone new, use this Wiccan marriage spell to make someone marry you. In order to effectively cast this spell, you will need nine pea pods and faith. Get the nine fine pea pods and put them on the top shelf above your kitchen door to attract a husband to your home. If you don’t have a shelf then you can use push pins to hang them over the door temporarily.

These pea pods will attract the entities of love and marriage into your home

Because you will have demonstrated your yearning for a partner in marriage, the entities will propel your wishes into the universe. In return, you will receive positive energies that will make you attractive. Your fine qualities will stand out so that whenever a man sees you, he will see a potential wife. You do not have to continue suffering in loneliness. The entities are willing to help you acquire your dream man. This powerful Wiccan marriage spell to make someone marry you will make your dreams come true immediately.

Wiccan spells have been around for centuries

When it comes to the Wiccan practices of honoring gods and goddesses, it is believed to predate the beliefs of Christianity by several thousand years. Before witchcraft was persecuted and believed to be evil, it was called the “craft of the wise.” Only the sages practiced witchcraft and participated in very complex rituals and spells. These people were considered the shamans of the village and were believed to be healers and to help the people in the village with their problems. My Wiccan marriage spell to make someone marry you is derived from this ancient knowledge.

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