Witchcraft Breaking Spells That Effectively Work – Dr Nana

How To Cast My Effective Witchcraft Breaking Spells

This is one of those simple protection spells that you can cast to ensure maximum security and safety. If you think that they have cast a spell on you, you can use this spell to counter the effects of the other spell. One of the problems of people who have bad hearts and use magic is that they use this magic to revenge on their enemies. These actions of revenge can sometimes affect us. If there are some things that are currently happening in your life, chances are high you could have been bewitched. Remove that bewitchment now using the simple protection spells outlined here.

Powerful But Simple Witchcraft Breaking Spells To Cast

Protection spell #1: The first thing to do is to make a doll with a conical shape. Use white fabric or any white material to make it. After that, fill the doll with vetiver – A grass- and then put it on your altar. If you do not have one, here you can see how to create it. Then engrave your name on a candle and embalm it with nice smelling fragrance. Now, you must visualize what is causing problems in your life or what you think is the curse that you have as many times as possible. When the candle burn, then you can stop thinking about that. Leave the doll on the altar.

Protection spell #2: The second is a little simpler, as you only pick up a couple of branches of birch, one of oak, one of Olmo, and a willow. You must hold them in hands on fire and smoke them seven times in a row. As you do that, say the following words:

“I break this spell, and burn it in the fire. That looks good, in this wood. “

You should then break and spit on each of the branches. Throw them into a pit of fire and let them to totally get consumed. The curse will die when the fire goes out. In case tyou feel this simple protection spell doesn’t work for you, please contact, so that I can cast a amuch more stronger spell for you. Come for my witchcraft breaking spells today.

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