Witches spell book – Tips on How to Cast a Spell

There are many means through which you can invoke an entity to meet your requests and in return the entity will want an offering. One of the ways is by using the witches spell book. From the onset, this has been a popular way of compacting (making a pact) with the entities. The entity can be a spirit or the forces that are above the planes of human reasoning.

What to do after invocation

After invoking, try mental / psychic contact with the entity, or verbally / through a dialogue, as you find it easier, but the main thing is to dialogue with it as if it were in the flesh / materialized (entities like to Feel alive). In order to create a bond with an invoked entity, you will need to develop what we call “MEDIUNITY” so that you can communicate with it easily. Details about how this is done can be found in the witches spell book.

What are some of the requirements that you will need for this?

The Temple: Arrange a place, a private room, because you will need one to make a “Temple” for your entity. The temple must be a clean environment, however, always try to keep the cleanliness in place.

The Altar: Arrange a small wooden table as prescribed in the witches spell book. I personally recommend that you do not buy one, but rather build one, because the entities like to see a good work done by the hands of the “Necromancer”. When making the table, try to give it a rustic appearance; You must carve the following scriptures on your table legs- “THIS ALTAR IS CONSECRATED TO VENERATE AND MEET THE NEEDS OF MY ENTITY THAT I SEAL WITH MY SOUL, THE MY NAME AND MY BEING” – You can write it in the language that you know best. These are some of the instructions that you can find in the witches spell book. If you would like to know more about the witches spell book and how to cast a spell, contact me using the form below.

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