Gay Marriage Love Spells – Powerful Wicca Spells

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Wicca Gay Marriage Love Spells

Unlike Christians and their “till death do us part” to join in marriage, Wiccans are married under the premise: “as long as love lasts”. When there is no love between a man and a man, they are free to move on. Formerly this ritual took place every seven years for couples to renew their marriage vows. For practical reasons, it is currently only done once, but can be renewed by vote if the couple so desires. The fact that our marriage lasts until love can seem like a game, but it is not … in fact couples wanting to marry before it is required that the priest or priestess who will unite has an interview with both parties to “evaluate” his desire to marry.

Powerful Gay Marriage Love Spells

The union of two souls is a blessed event. The union of two souls that invite magic into their hearts is doubly blessed, because they become part of one of the oldest traditions and simple love. Long before, the legality of a union was almost more important than the marriage itself. The ritual celebration of the union of hands was a common and beloved practice among the ancient Celts for several hundred years.

The Benefits Of Wicca Gay Marriage Love Spells

One of the benefits of Wicca gay marriage love spells is that there it has no real structure and can be adapted to include a variety of different ceremonies, the couple can choose. It is frequently used for marriages of same-sex, especially when they can not have a legal union of this kind by the Church or the government. If you are a gay or lesbian couple seeking marriage, this is the spell that you need. This spell can also be cast as love spells that work fast, gay marriage love spells that work free, love spells for gay people, magic gay love spells, effective gay love spell.


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