11 Top Reasons Why you Should date a Sagittarius woman

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11 Top Reasons Why you Should date a Sagittarius woman

In Zodiac Sign, a Sagittarius is born between November 22 and December 21. Sagittarius is the sign of freedom, adventure and leadership. They are optimistic and enthusiastic, and their natural curiosity leads them to seek out new experiences. These traits make them great companions for those who love to travel, try new things and meet people from other cultures.

The Sagittarius woman is typically known for her independence, sense of humor and zest for life. However, there are some things about her love life that you may not know. In this post, I’ll talk about the 10 sexiest habits of a Sagittarius woman, according to astrology.

  1. She Is Adventurous:
  2. Many Sagittarius women will not hesitate to try anything once in their lifetime and will gravitate towards activities that get them out of their comfort zone so that they can have fun and explore new interests. For example, she’ll probably sign up for an exotic dance class or a scuba diving lesson if she’s never had experience in those areas before.

  3. She Is Spontaneous:
  4. A Sagittarius woman likes to go where the wind takes her when it comes to love. She doesn’t mind taking a chance on someone new or doing something spontaneous if it makes her feel passionate or excited. Although she doesn’t live by a rigid schedule, she usually follows a fairly predictable pattern when she starts a new relationship. According to astrology, the Sagittarius woman has an average length of courtship between one and four months before she commits to someone, so you can expect that she will go through different phases of uncertainty and excitement as she decides whether or not she is ready to make a commitment.

  5. She’s Loyal to Her Friends:
  6. A Sagittarius woman is very dedicated to her friends and she cares about them more than she cares about romantic relationships. She may lose interest in a guy when he starts acting differently towards his friends than he does towards her and she’s likely to end a relationship if her boyfriend gets too controlling with his friends. She prefers to keep her relationships balanced so she can maintain strong friendships with both men and women.

  7. She Doesn’t Fear Confrontation:
  8. A Sagittarius woman will fight for what she believes in and if she feels hurt or mistreated in a relationship, she won’t hesitate to stand up to her partner and let them know how they’re making her feel. She’s not afraid to speak her mind and she’s not afraid to stand up to her man if he’s not treating her well. She generally has a healthy attitude about conflict and confrontation and rarely resorts to violence or aggression when she disagrees about something. However, she is more likely to end a relationship with someone who makes her angry than to try to make peace with him when he gets upset with her.

  9. She’s Creative and Open-Minded:
  10. A Sagittarius woman is creative and open-minded by nature and she loves trying new things and exploring new things. She believes in the power of imagination and she likes to imagine all kinds of crazy things when it comes to love and sex. She’s not interested in settling down with someone and just going through the motions because she’s afraid of getting bored in a relationship. Instead, she likes to have fun and try different things to keep herself interested.

  11. She’s Independent:
  12. A Sagittarius woman doesn’t need a man to take care of her and she’s comfortable doing her own thing in life. She doesn’t need to be controlled or dependent on someone and she doesn’t feel the need to have someone in her life just for the sake of it. She lives her life on her own terms and she’s happy spending time with friends, working on creative projects or spending time alone. She doesn’t like to be dependent or needy and she dislikes being smothered by a man who tries to control every aspect of her life.

  13. She’s Romantic:
  14. A Sagittarius woman is romantic and passionate by nature and she tends to be playful and flirtatious at times. She loves to laugh and have a good time and she’s very expressive in her interactions with other people. She’s not afraid to show her feelings and she doesn’t like to keep it a secret if she’s in love. She wants to express herself freely and be open with her partner so that he knows exactly what she needs and wants out of a relationship.

  15. She’s Faithful:
  16. A Sagittarius woman has a reputation for being one of the most faithful people you’ll ever meet. She has a kind and gentle heart and she believes in the power and importance of true love. She hates to see people hurt and she won’t tolerate any kind of dishonesty in a relationship. She values loyalty and honesty and she would never let her lover down or cheat on him in any way.

  17. She’s Fun to Date:
  18. A Sagittarius woman is fun to be around because she’s full of life and enjoys trying new things and meeting new people. She loves to spend time outdoors in nature and she frequently goes on hikes with her friends or takes long drives in the country. She enjoys watching movies and listening to music and she has a lot of interests and hobbies that keep her busy. She’s always up for an adventure and loves to travel to new places and experience different cultures around the world.

  19. She’s an Introvert:
  20. While a Sagittarius woman is usually outgoing and friendly when she’s around people, she’s actually an introvert at heart and she prefers to spend her free time in quiet solitude rather than in a crowded bar or loud nightclub. She has a very strong inner world and she tends to value her privacy and her personal space. She’ll choose a quiet walk on the beach over a crowded party any day of the week and she’ll spend most of her time by herself rather than in the company of a large group of people.

  21. She’s Hard to Get:
  22. You might think that it’s easy for a Sagittarius woman to fall head over heels in love with you, but the truth is that she tends not to open up easily and it takes a lot of work to win her trust and loyalty. She’s hard to get to know at first because she tends to be reserved and introspective by nature and she takes time to warm up to people and get to know the real them underneath the surface. Once she trusts you and you prove yourself to be a worthy partner, however, you’ll be surprised at how quickly she opens up to you and begins to confide in you and share her innermost thoughts and feelings with you.

In Conclusion

The Sagittarius woman is a complex individual who has many facets to her personality. She’s energetic and enthusiastic but she also has a very down-to-earth and practical side to her as well. She’s somewhat contradictory at times because she can be impulsive and unpredictable but at the same time, she’s also very determined and persistent when she wants to achieve something in her life. She’s a free-spirited and independent person who doesn’t enjoy being tied down in a relationship for too long and she doesn’t like feeling limited by the expectations of other people. Nevertheless, she can be very romantic and loving in a relationship and she’s extremely loyal and faithful to her partner.

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