Spell With Lemon To Separate Two People


Spell With Lemon To Separate Two People

Fast working spell with lemon to separate two people. A lot of people, at some point in their lives, have used extra supernatural help, through spells and thus be able to achieve some tasks if they have been humiliated, injured and or offended. A spell, as we always insist, is a prayer to the universe to bless us with all its might. A spell by itself and only will almost never achieve anything, since we are the ones who must achieve with our actions what we long for. The spell will give us strength to achieve it and will give us the best cards, but the game is always played by us.

An element that has been used since time immemorial is lemon

This fruit, in addition to its excellent anti-cancer properties, guarantees wonderful success in conjunction with the right spell, which is usually a spell with lemon to separate two people. There may be various personal reasons to perform a spell with lemon and separate a couple. From here, I recommend that your intentions are pure and that you only perform a couple separation spell with lemon if that couple in question does more harm than good, couples toxic, with infidelity, abuse, mistreatment … When we suffer because of a loved one, friend … and we know that the reason for their suffering is the partner, is when we recommend performing the spell with lemon to separate two people.

Lemon couple separation spell

To perform the spell you need: a glass, a measure of rum, a piece of white paper, a portion of coarse salt and a lemon. In addition to a black ink pen, matches or matches, a knife and a small white candle.

You must proceed as follows:
The full name of the two members of the couple is written on the paper.
You will make two cross-shaped cuts to the lemon with the knife.
Then you place the paper between the cuts you made to the lemon and over it, pour the salt.
Leave the lemon in the room where you are and go to another room.
Put some rum in a glass, light the candle there and leave it until it goes out by itself. This represents the couple in their happy moments.
When the candle has gone out, place the lemon in the glass and after 24 hours bury the lemon in a field, away from your house (a couple of kilometers minimum), in an area where the sun hardly reaches.

With this spell with lemon to separate two people, you will encourage this couple to increase their arguments and they will end up separating. For this reason, we recommend that during this time you are alert to your loved one, friend or family member, because the process of breaking up will be slow. Do not try to speed up the separation process, you just have to be the person who gives moral support and who cares about their well-being. Never show your feelings, you should not take part in their decision.

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