
Picture under pillow love spell casting

Take the new plain white pillowcase to the tank and wash it with a lot of care and delicacy. Mentalize the man of your dreams, even experiencing very spicy scenes with him! Before rinsing completely, put some of your favorite smell on the pillowcase (it can be deodorant, lavender, perfume, etc.), rinse and put to dry.

Once dry, preferably in the sun, use your verse and write the name of the man you want to cast the spell on with a blue pen. Fold it, put on your pillow normally and sleep with it, leaning your head well on his name. Do it for fifteen days in a row and do not wash the pillowcase during this time.

Necessary condition before casting this pillow love spell

The first thing you have to do before casting this powerful pillow love spell is to consolidate the faith within you. It will not do any good if you cast this spell when you are full of doubts and truly believing nothing. In this way, you will end up emitting very powerful vibrations that will neutralize any power of the love spell. In addition, it is also very necessary that you seek a quiet and airy place, where you will not be interrupted in any way.

Picture under pillow love spell – the most powerful pillow love spell

Picture under pillow love spell works very effectively and today I am going to present another powerful ritual to win back or bring the loved one back, etc. has your partner started behaving a little weird? Very reserved, thinking of things you do not want to say and literally in the world of the moon, failing to give you the attention you would like and deserve so much? Do not get yourself into an argument. Cast this powerful picture under pillow love spell that works.

What is a powerful pillow love spell for?

The famous and powerful pillow love spell is so popular among women in love and who do everything to live their great love. This spell is for you who want a man or woman to think and dream about you. You can also use it to regain or bring the loved one back by making them concentrate their thoughts on you. Do not let fate push your life away from the loved one! Determine your destination by casting this powerful pillow love spell that works immediately.

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