Ancient Rituals Genie From The Continent Of Africa


Ancient Rituals Genie From The Continent Of Africa

In the ancient African world, rituals genie had something to do with the original repetition of words and phrases that are capable of invoking the gods. Usually, these rituals genie were performed hand in hand with sacrificial offerings, singing and dancing. These traditional ways of problem solution did not die with the ancient black Africans, but were transmitted from one generation to another through ancestrally renewed modes; thus promoting collective memory and cultural identity off the blacks.

The characters who perform the rituals genie and who enter the scene are generally chosen as representatives between heaven and earth, the spiritual world and the earthly world, and are called shamans, priests, spells casters or deep connoisseurs of witchcraft traditions and the cosmic soul. The way practitioners of rituals genie operate is not the same way those who profess a body of intellectual knowledge operate. The spiritual gifts that accrue from these rituals allow him to heal, heal ills, have clairvoyance, enter trance states, take initiation trips, , see in the dark and transmute into a feline or jaguar.

His powers are transmitted orally and they are the transmitters of ancient wisdom from the oldest traditions. They possess the secrets that plants hold and the effects for healing and altered states of consciousness through which they connect with the spiritual universe. The shaman or practitioner of rituals genie is a healer and an expert in sacred plants who knows how to use them and what they heal. Others rituals that rituals genie practitioners like us perform are agricultural rituals to improve the state of nature where man dwells. Through rituals and offerings, each person from their belief offers his devotion, asks for the well-being, health and prosperity of his loved ones and humanity. Do you have a love problem? A special rituals genie can be performed to alleviate your situation.

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