Attraction Love Spell That Work For Falling In Love

🔮Let Dr. Nana professionally cast this spell for you🏆

Attraction Love Spell For Falling In Love

The journey towards blissful love is sometimes tortuous; a labyrinth of some sort. Dating someone and getting acquainted with him or her is not enough to make you tell whether they will fall in love with you or not. That smiling face may be hiding something that will work against your success. That broad smile may actually turn out to be a hypocritical gesture of happiness. True love, you will realize, becomes very difficult to find under such a situation.

Are you seeing someone, but you’re not sure if they are friends or something else? You need to know if their feelings correspond to your feelings. To make these confirmations, you definitely need to cast the attraction love spell. The spell described herein is one of the free love spells that work. Are you ready for the miracle? Have you been looking for free love spells that work fast? Cast this magical version of simple love spells now.

What you need

  • Handful of cloves
  • Pink tissue paper

The process of Casting The Attraction Love spell To Fall In Love

Before you go to bed, get a handful of cloves and hold them tightly in your left hand for at least five minutes while thinking about the person you are dating. Say nothing, but only try to form a mental picture of the person using great mental energy. The moment the person’s image appears in your imagination, look at the lips. If they appear smiling, that means ‘Yes’. If they appear frowning, that is a big “no”. The attraction love spell should be cast on Mondays and Fridays if you are female, Tuesdays and Fridays if you are male.

You can later on wrap up this handful of cloves in pink tissue paper and use it as an amulet. Every time you shake the hands of the target, hold it in your hand and say “you are mine”. Whenever you feel there is need to do this love spell again, you use it as described above. The attraction love spell should be repeated continuously until positive results are achieved. You should remember that spells are not mechanical. They are rather born out of devotion and great enthusiasm.

Why clove is used
Clove, among other things, has the esoteric power that paves the way of love. It also helps in dispelling any doubt or fear of getting a ‘no’ for an answer.

After you have registered positive results, throw away the cloves wrapped in tissue paper. Monday is associated with femininity. On Tuesday symbolizes masculine characteristics, and Friday is associated with Venus, representing love. This is a free easy love spell that every Romeo must cast.

What you must not do when casting the attraction love spell

Once you have initiated the process of this spell, there are some habits that you must get rid of. It is paramount that you avoid the following:

  • Seeing other men or women during the spell casting period.
  • Eating meat or flesh on Fridays.
  • Never give any courtesy kiss to anyone on the days stipulated i.e. Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays throughout the period of the spell.

However, you should ensure that you kiss only the person on whom the spell is being cast. Use the form below to contact me today.

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