Black Magic Curse Spell Using A Voodoo Doll To Banish Bad Neighbors

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Black Magic Curse Spell Using A Voodoo Doll To Banish Bad Neighbors

Bad neighbors are the nightmare of the modern world. Lots of people are crawling with noisy and inconsiderate people next door. They can also be belligerent and downright evil. People come to me all the time to fix problems associated with their bad neighbors. The idea is to get them out of the city. Putting a black magic curse is the best solution when you have bad neighbors. Hit them with a hex and BAM, you defeat them with the Dark Arts.

The point is, you can’t argue with bad neighbors.

When asked to turn down the music or improve their ruthless ways, one is usually met with a vitriol tirade. You see, the typical bad neighbor likes to do exactly what he wants. They have no consideration for others. They do not understand the importance of the “exchange of values” between people. But of course, if you kept them up at night, they would soon be complaining to you. So with bad neighbors, it’s better to shoot first and ask questions later. Basically, put a black magic curse on them to see their butt.

Then you have to make a voodoo doll in order to put a black magic curse on them

It can be made from fabric that you fill and then sew. The other method of making it is by using clay and shaping it well. Ideally, you will need some personal items from your bad neighbor, such as hair or nail clippings. But since you don’t get along with them, just take a photo of them; zoom them in on your camera if necessary so they don’t know what you’re doing. Print the photo and burn it to ash. Then mix it with your doll’s stuffing if you do it with a cloth. or mix the ashes with the clay, if it is a clay doll. Once you have made your doll, it’s time for your ritual, which is best performed under the waning moon and ideally in a place of power like an old cemetery, ancient site, or abandoned haunted house.

But wherever you choose to perform your ritual black magic curse, you have to fill yourself with hatred towards your bad neighbor. Say out loud or internally all the bad things they did or said. Sing his name over and over. Then use pure poison to drive a nail into the doll’s head, which is a representation of your neighbor. Show no mercy. Be aware that this could kill them. Although it will most likely damage them and hopefully they will either leave town or do stupid things that will make them leave town. However, the point is, when you do this black magic curse, you have to be prepared for the bad things that will happen to them. Don’t worry, you are only getting the right justice. Your bad neighbor deserves it after all. Contact me now if you are interested in knowing more about this black magic curse.

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