Blood Love Spells For Extreme Sex and Passion


Blood Love Spells For Extreme Sex and Passion

Powerful blood magic sex spell that works immediately. Black magic and white magic have been practiced in most cultures and in it there are spells that are performed with the body fluids of the human body such as: saliva, semen, tears, urine, feces, a baby’s amniotic fluid, hair, pubic hair and nail clippings, and even menstrual blood. However, menstrual blood, semen, and urine in some cultures can become problematic because they are unfamiliar with casting spells with these fluids. There are taboos surrounding them, and they are not familiar with the history of folk magic. Generally bodily fluids as a magical instrument using menstrual blood, urine and semen are related to those spells of love and sex.

The fundamentals of the blood magic sex spell

The hypothesis of the blood magic sex spell is that if a man consumes just one drop of a woman’s menstrual blood, this man will be sexually bound to the person performing the spell forever. It is the best love spell of all, being definitive and successful. It can help you strongly cement a union between you and your lover. This ingredient turns out to be magical and the most powerful among all love spells. Menstrual blood is also used for protection and healing, if you want to get rid of spells. This traditional and ancient ingredient of love is effective with just one drop that you use. The most important thing is the mode of administration you use. It is one of the most perfect blood magic sex spell to increase the man’s libido for you.

TIP: just give him a drop of your menstrual blood and everything will change in your favour

A great tip to give that man a drop of blood is through a well-charged cup of coffee, another alternative would be a glass of red wine, you add the drop of blood and mix well to integrate it. You can also take the option of incorporating it in tomato sauces and all this so that they serve as camouflage and do not notice the drop of blood. A very important warning is that despite the fact that this potion is an excellent binding spell, permanent fidelity cannot be guaranteed, for this you will have to perform other fidelity spells to complete it. However, if you are interested in knowing how best you can administer this powerful blood magic sex spell, then you can just get I touch with me.

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