Burning Sage To Get Rid Of Negative Energies, Evil Spirits

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Burning Sage to Cleanse Negative Energy

If you’re like most people, you probably believe that burning sage is a way to cleanse your environment of negative energy or evil. And if you’re looking to boost your luck, wealth or success in your spells, then burning sage is definitely a must! However, burning sage as a method of cleansing negative energy isn’t the only purpose it serves. In fact, there are several other ways that burning sage can help you achieve your goals. So let’s take a look at the benefits of burning sage and a few ways to use it to enhance the success of your spells.

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Cleansing Negative Energy – One of the Most Common Uses for Burning Sage

One of the most common uses of burning sage is as a method for cleansing negative energy from the atmosphere and the auric field surrounding you. Burning sage allows you to get rid of negative energies from your home, office, or other space, as well as protect yourself and your family from harmful outside influences.

How Burning Sage Helps in Cleansing the Environment of Negativity

It is believed that the burning of incense such as sage actually neutralizes the negativity in the environment through a process known as “blessing.” This purifies the atmosphere and makes it easier for positive energies to flow freely. In this way, burning sage can help to improve the overall positive energy flow in your home, office or space and encourage prosperity, abundance and health.

  1. In addition to helping to clear negative energy from your environment, burning sage can also help to attract good luck and prosperity in your life. By clearing the energy around you and allowing more positive energy to flow freely, it can help to remove any bad karma and negative feelings that could be preventing you from achieving success. You can also burn sage before the start of any new undertaking to help you achieve success and prevent any obstacles from standing in your way.
  2. For example, you could use burning sage to bring more love and harmony into your life by clearing away any negative energy that may be holding you back and attracting new positive energy in its place. Or you could burn sage before you begin a new project or work assignment to improve your chances of success and prevent any obstacles to stand in your way.

    Whether you choose to use it for magical purposes or simply to clear the negative energy from your space, burning sage can help you to achieve your goals and improve your life in many ways. When used properly, it can provide a number of powerful benefits that will help you to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.

  3. Anointing yourself with sage essence during your ritual preparations can help to enhance your magical abilities and enhance your overall experience. When you anoint yourself, you are simply rubbing a small amount of oil into your skin that absorbs into your bloodstream and causes your body to release endorphins and other mood-enhancing chemicals that help you to relax and feel more positive and energetic. Sage oil contains many of the same properties as regular sage and it has long been used in aromatherapy for its relaxing effects as well as its ability to repel negative energies. Using an oil instead of the plant itself can help you achieve a stronger effect.
    Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Burn-Sage-for-Rituals

Burning Sage To Get Rid Of Negative Energies And Evil Spirits

If you are feeling negative, sluggish or stuck; it could be that there is an evil spirit following you like a creepy ex-lover. It could also be so because there may be some bad energy which is stuck in you. Through smudging, you can combat such unwanted energy and get rid of the traffic jam in your life. Burning sage can help you chase away evil spirits. Spirits that were once human can annoy us, depending on the relationship we have had with them in life. Even the energies of people we never met in life may be haunting us for some reason that, of course, will be unknown. Therefore, today I will teach you a powerful spell to drive away evil spirits from your home, office and / or company.

Get rid of these entities by burning sage or performing this spell

In addition, and here is the most complicated part of the matter, it is possible that beings from the dark that were never human or, what is the same, that are demons are stalking us. These beings will always be anxiously waiting to harm us, for no other reason than evil in its “purest” state. Simple, but delicate spell to drive away evil spirits from your usual places. It is simple because “only” you will need a few branches of sage (which is not easy to get, in some countries), a slow-burning paper, the Holy Bible (or the Koran, if you are Muslim) and a match. . That is all. But, yes, you will require a very powerful attitude before the burning sage, in the sense that we are going to explain it to you. You need to have a lot of faith in God (or in Allah, if that’s the case) and what you’re going to do. It is not a complex exorcism, as we see in the movies and that is practised by Catholic priests or other ministers of some religions. It is just an energetic cleansing.

Let’s go, then, “to the point” on how you will start burning sage

You must place the sage branches in a kind of roll or cone that you will make with the slow-burning paper. You light the top as if it were a cigar. You take and open the Holy Bible to Psalm 23 (or, if you prefer, to Psalm 93 or 99). As you go through the room, you spread the smoke resulting from the combustion of the sage. Simultaneously, you must pray the alluded Psalms, while invoking God and the Archangel Saint Michael or Saint Raphael, to drive away evil spirits.

Remember to do this regularly in order to get better results

Burning sage should be done at least twice every week. However, if you are the kind of person who interacts a lot with people, then you will have to do the burning sage more frequently. Smudging (burning sage) can clear your spiritual, mental, energetic, emotional and physical body as well as your physical space, home or office.

Summary/ Conclusion

You can burn sage to cleanse negative energy or evil from aura and environment and attract luck, wealth, etc. or to make your spells work successfully. Or you can make potions out of sage that is then used to keep the home clean and free of pests, etc. I hope this guide was helpful for you. If you have any comments or suggestions for improving the guide, please let me know.

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