Come To Me Spell To Make A Man Fall In Love With You


Come To Me Spell To Make A Man Fall In Love With You

come to me spell cast using the photograph of your lover. This is a simple love spell from the group of photo love spells that channels the energy imprinted on a man’s photograph to enhance feelings of love for the desired person. In doing this come to me spell, you will manage to make that man fall in love as long as there is some kind of previous feeling, no matter how slight. For this love spell to have the desired effect, it is essential that the person who performs it does so from pure feelings of deep love. If your interest in that man is not love, this spell will not work. It must be done from the heart.

Requirements for this powerful come to me spell that works fast

Since the photograph will be the main ingredient of the spell, it is essential that the one you will use is of the man you want to love. In the photograph, he must appear alone. This photograph will be the starting point of the ritual and from it, we will take the energy of this man and we will enhance a feeling to send it to him again. For this come to me spell, you will also need a photograph of yourself, a blank paper, an incense candle, a blue thread and a needle.

How to make a come to me spell using a photo of the man you want

You will write your name on a piece of paper underneath that of the man you want to fall in love with. To enhance the feelings in him, you will surround both names with a red triangle. On the back of the page, you will write the following words
“Just as I love you, you will love me. We’ll be together forever”.
You will then place the photograph of the man on a table face up. After that, put the paper on which the two names have been written on top of the man’s photograph. Later, put your photograph with the face down, so that the paper lies in between the two photographs. You will then sew the two photographs using a sewing needle and a blue thread ensuring that all the three elements are joined using the threat.

The next step in this come to me spell is to light the incense candle and allow it burn with constancy and strength of flame. Afterwards, take the candle and allow the wax from the flames to drip on the photograph of the man that you want, making sure that the two drops stick the papers together so that the whole package is unified. Bind the whole package and go drop it in the place where he is accustomed to spending his leisure time. Soon, you will see him coming to you as soon as this come to me spell has been cast.

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