Elemental Spells And Magic For Beginners

Today, I would like to talk about elemental spells for beginners and to be particular; I am going to talk about water spells. Water spells are a type of elemental spell that involves you using water magically to do your will. Water is the essence of life. Without water, many things that exist will not exist. So if you can control the water, you can control most of the things on earth. The elemental water spell would help you achieve your desire in any sphere of life.

To cast this elemental spells for beginners, you should do so with your hands in the water

But please don’t go directly to a river to cast this elemental spells for beginners. So when you dip your hand in the water, you will have to sing the song of the water win order to get control over it. The more you sing the song passionately, the stronger your connection to the water becomes. The song of water says thus:
“water of water, I call you. Yield to my voice and do my will. Blue water like the sky. I control you with my mind.”
As you sing this song, wave your hand in the water. At the same time, as you sing, focus your mind on what you would like to do.

Elemental spells for beginners using the air

The elemental air spell is another of the elemental spells that works instantly. Air is everywhere around us. So when you cast the air spell, you can’t be without the critical ingredient for the spell. Although sometimes it may seem that you are not progressing with the air spell. But you have to keep trying, and everything will come to you eventually at the end of the day.

No matter what you want to accomplish, air elemental spells for beginners will always help. To cast the air spell, you may need to go somewhere where you will be exposed to a lot of natural breezes. Preferably a mountain would be just perfect. When you are there, you must focus your mind on what you want to achieve. Be sure to prepare your mind and focus too. Then when you are ready, say the air song to start checking the air. The more you sing the air song, the stronger your connection will become to control it. The air song is like this:

“Air, fresh and windy air, yields to my voice. I control you with my mind and I control you with my body. Give me your powers, and I will do as I like. After saying this song for some time, you are ready to go.”

If you would like to know more about these elemental spells for beginners, please get in touch with me now.

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