Everything You Need To Know About Voodoo And Voodoo Gods
Do you know what Voodoo and the voodoo gods are all about? Well, voodoo is a religion that has been badly treated by public opinion and, in many cases, misunderstood. The voodoo gods are the entities and the spirits that the voodoo faithful worship and venerate. This religion was first practiced in West Africa and found its way into Caribbean, the Americas, Europe, The West Indies and Asia during the era of slave trade and slavery. As a result of the cultural and religious fusion, you will also discover that there is a semblance between catholic rituals and voodoo practices.
So we can say that voodoo owes its spread to slavery
When African slaves traveled from Africa to Latin America, a very important mix of beliefs and superstitions took place, which resulted in the emergence of other religions such as Santeria, which is so popular in Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Regardless of this cultural miscegenation, Voodoo is considered one of the oldest religions on our planet. This term comes from an African word whose meaning is “spirit” or “god” (voodoo gods); however, other sources indicate that the word “Voodoo” comes from the French “vaudoux” which means “black sorcerer.” The origin of this religion is the country of Nigeria, Benin and Togo, regions that were inhabited by the Yoruba.
There are different types of voodoo, but the voodoo gods are the same
Because of African slavery, the Voodoo religion expanded through many other parts of the world, resulting in this belief merging with other indigenous elements. This has caused the original Voodoo to branch into different branches and, today, we find different types of Voodoo that have developed in very different ways. Mainly, the differences between the existing Voodoos are due to the different territories in which this religion is practiced. In the case of Latin American countries, for example, the presence of Christian elements is very prominent in the voodoo practices there.
How to perform voodoo spells
Now that you know what Voodoo is, it is important that you know the methodology that is often used in the performance of the rituals. During a Voodoo ritual, what is carried out is an invocation of the โLoasโ (something like the saints) who are the ones who can satisfy our desires and our demands. This invocation is usually done through a dance that is done to the music of drums and traditional songs. These dances are done in sacred places and must be captained by a Voodoo priest, who will be in charge of drawing esoteric symbols. At the end of the ritual, an animal like a chicken or kid is usually sacrificed as an offering to the voodoo gods.
Once the ritual has begun, the voodoo gods will possess the participant
This contact between the spiritual (the voodoo gods) and the earthly is then established. In order to know whether the voodoo gods have inhabited a person or not, the possessed person will start dancing in a frenzied way. Sooner or later, the person will start performing miracles; healings and other wonders motivated by the power of the voodoo gods.