Exploring Ancient and Modern Magic in Magic Spell Books

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Exploring Ancient and Modern Magic in Magic Spell Books

Since ancient times, mankind developed the belief in the existence of a higher power that can only be contacted through enchantments, magic, and spells. It is not a theme of just one era or of a group of people, but has grown steadily in the vast majority of cultures. This type of belief has given rise to the development of countless texts called grimoires or influential magic spell books that have become books of great appreciation for various organizations and secret societies that have developed, hidden until our century. Next, I will point out some manuscripts that can give us a broader and more fascinating vision of what the magic of the ancestors means.

The first OF THE magic spell books is about: Ars Notoria.

It is an ancient book of magic that is used to improve learning and memory. This magic spell books is part of the well-known Clavicles of Solomon collection, it is said that it makes possible the attainment of academic knowledge through perfect memory and wisdom, giving the person who reads it great eloquence. The Ars Notoria opened the way to ancient knowledge collected as early as the 13th century. Likewise, the accompanying texts contain a large number of prayers, prayers and magic words whose origin could be found before that century.

Another prominent book could be the Book of Abramelin the Magician, an esoteric grimoire of Kabbalistic wisdom.

This was written as an autobiographical or epistolary novel by Abraham of Worms who is known to be a German Jew and may have lived between the 16th and 15th centuries. The magic spell books written by this character narrates the transmission of the Kabbalistic and magical wisdom of Abraham to that of his son Lamech. Likewise, it refers to the story of how Abraham came to acquire this wisdom. In the book, Abraham begins talking about the death of his father, who was in charge of making known the way in which the Holy Qabalah should be used and learned just before he passed away. Motivated with the idea of achieving this wisdom, it is known that Abraham went to Mayence (Mainz) where he would begin his studies on Kabbalah initially as only a disciple of a rabbi, whose name was Moses. His studies lasted four years and then began a six-year trip that led him to Egypt. More of these magic spell books can be accessed online in PDF or WORD formats.

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