Facts About Blood Magick Spells That You Didn’t Know

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Facts About Blood Magick Spells That You Didn’t Know

In spells casting, blood is one of the basic ingredients used in blood magick spells. However, every time we talk about the use of blood in rituals and spells, most naysayers and opposers of these types of rituals immediately start associating it with human sacrifice. All these are fabricated lies that have been created in order to dissuade others from casting spells using blood. This contorted perception has more so been promoted by Hollywood, in which black magic spells using blood are reflected as having an element of human or animal sacrifice.

But, blood magick spells do not necessarily mean a man or an animal has to die

Just because blood is a basic ingredient in blood magick spells doesn’t imply someone has to be killed in order to successfully cast the spell. Sometimes, just a small drop of blood is what is needed, without destroying life. For women, the most effective way of making a man to love you with all his heart is by serving him some drop of menstrual blood in his tea or food. This kind of spells is capable of promulgating happiness and a peaceful coexistence in any relationship.

Some people also perform blood magick spells for revenge

In this case, vindictiveness is what fuels the reason behind the spells casting. A person will cast a blood magick spells for revenge because he wants to punish an enemy who did something very bad to him. Still, in this case, no human sacrifice will be made. As a rule, a beginner in the world of magic must understand that spells cast using blood does not necessarily imply that life has to be lost. As soon as you have grasped this concept, then you should now go ahead and learn about facts about blood magick spells and witchcraft in general.

Here are some points to remember about these blood magick spells:

  • You can draw the blood from your body by pricking using a needle. The same applies to animals as well.
  • Ensure that you sanistise the needle, by dipping it into alcohol or a disinfectant.
  • You just need a few drops of blood.
  • For women, you can just pick menstrual blood. If you want to use it in the future, you can collect and dry it so you can use it later.

Blood is life and because of that, it possesses energy that can be channeled certain aspects of life. However, if you still have more questions regarding the subject of blood magick spells, please feel free to contact me.

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