Free Easy Fidelity Spell To Make Your Man Sleep With You Alone

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Free Easy Fidelity Spell To Make Your Man Sleep With You Alone

Have you lost trust in your man? Do think he could be going around undressing women? If you want to stop that behavior, then this free easy fidelity spell is what you need. In the past, a woman who had a problem with her man had to physically visit a medicine man in his shrine. Nowadays, love spells casters share some spells online, especially those they deem easy to perform. This free easy fidelity spell cast using chili will make your man faithful. He will never be able to perform whenever he goes out with another woman.

Do you suspect your man to be spending nights out with other women?

If so, then this free easy fidelity spell is what you need. It will bring this mentality of his to an end. Your man will become meek in your bed, without him wanting to go out more. He will respect you and love you more. It is an effective spell that will make you dominate over his feelings. In order to cast this spell, you will need a ripe banana, corojo butter, a lot of hot chili peppers, black peppers, pins, and black tape. All these elements are easily accessible.

How to cast the free easy fidelity spell to make your man faithful

Get a plain piece of paper. Write your full name and the name of your lover on it. Endeavor to also include your dates of birth. Split the ripe banana into two. Fold the paper that bears your names and insert it into the split banana. In the same space, add a lot of chilies. After that, get the corojo butter and smear it all over the banana. As you do so, say the following incantation:
“NAME OF THE LOVER) cannot have sexual potency with any woman, but me”

Surround it with black chili. The power of the chili is to end the power of your husband’s member when he is with another woman. Bind the banana with the black tape and insert needles in it. Later on, add oil and powders with graveyard soil. Wrap the package in a black bag and bury it in a pot at the cemetery. With this free easy fidelity spell, you man will never enjoy the time when he is out with any woman.

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