Easy Iemanja Spell for Lost Love

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Easy Iemanja Spell for Lost Love – self administered spells

This is one of those free spells that work instantly. If your loved one has moved away from you, just follow the guidelines in this spell in order for you to be able to make them return. Separation is very painful. You will start remembering about those good old days as soon as your lover leaves you. But, do you just stop at remembering them? Make that person to return into your life today using this free spells that work instantly to bring back love.

How to cast this free spells that work instantly

At 12:00 on a Friday night, when the moon is in Taurus (under the magnanimous regency of Venus), or in Scorpio, (under the mighty rule of Pluto), consecrate a red candle with honey and liturgical oil. You should then write on the candle your name and the name of the person you love. Do it with a needle previously dipped in a glass of red wine, to which was mixed a tiny pinch of valerian. While engraving on the candle the names with a needle soaked in wine, say the following words:

“Powerful and irresistible Iemanja, sublime Lady of love, this wine is blood and in it resides my love, this wine is my desire and also my pain. With blood I have engraved our names, and so in the blood of (name of the beloved), let my heart flow, so that you may not take my mind from me. ”

That said, the needle should be propped on the candle so that it crosses both names, and the candle should be lit. when the candle starts burning, say the following words:

“Strength of Iemanjá, all powerful lady of the light of love, as this candle burns, so burn the heart of (name of the loved one), for me. By Your power, strength of Iemanjá, return him to me. So be it.”
Drink the wine; it will act as a strong potion of appeal to the spiritual forces of Venus. Keep all the elements of this free spells that work instantly in a secret place. If necessary, repeat on Fridays when the lunar conjunction is favorable. If you would like to know more absoute how free spells that work instantly operate, contact me using the form below.

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