Freezer spell to ward of negative energies


The best spell to freeze a person: Curb their negative energy

Powerful freezer spell to ward of negative energies. Place a rotten fruit in a healthy fruit cabinet and watch them all rot. This is how the negative energy of a person in your life works. It is not necessary that they do witchcraft directly to you. Bad wishes, envy, grudges and any other type of negative feelings can interfere with your good vibes and harm you in various areas of your life. That is why it is important to cast a spell to freeze a person from time to time. And it is that the negative energy accumulated in a person has a very high level of density.

It is enough to have a person close or contact him or her and energy will begin to be transmitted to you, like a contagious virus.

Thus, your pure and positive aura begins to be poisoned with toxic energies of a person who only wishes you evil. Also, sometimes the enemies are not hidden and they affect how we can think. They can be right now by your side and do not raise any suspicion. Maybe a friend envies you for your new job, an ex-boyfriend sends you hateful signals because he still hasn’t gotten over you, or a poisonous relative wants you to fail in your life. If you think you have an undeclared enemy in your life or you already have enemies that make your life miserable, apply these freezer spell to ward of negative energies.


Freezing rituals cool that person’s desire to hurt you and keep them away from you.

They will abruptly stop their bad energies and revenge intentions. Spell to neutralize and freeze bad energies. Bad energies stick to us even when we are not close to the source from which it comes. Perhaps a friend or relative or someone visited your home and left a loaded and annoying environment. Or maybe you dated a highly negatively charged person who gave you their bad vibes. There is a very effective freezer spell to ward of negative energies and prevent them from breaking into your energy body. It will absorb any low vibrations and harmful intentions from other people.

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