Full Moon Love Spell For Engagement And Commitment

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Full Moon Love Spell For Engagement And Commitment

The most powerful full moon love spell. Time can be a key element in any type of Magic Spell and working with the phases of the moon can often be extremely fruitful, especially when it comes to love drawing rituals. There is no doubt that lunar magic plays a vital role in the manifestation of one’s intentions. In matters related to love, there are three phases that can amplify the energy of a love spell: a new moon, a crescent moon and a full moon.

However, I shall focus on the full moon love spell

To perform a full moon love spell, you need to start with the two most fundamental elements; A representation of you and a representation of your love interests. For this particular spell, you need to create two wax poppets. To create them, you will need to melt a red or pink candle and form two molds of wax figures. As a practitioner, I would add a number of herbs, oils or even personal concerns to the wax, but this is not necessary. You can simply take two small pieces of brown paper bag with your names written on it and work it in your molds (your name would come into your representation and your lover’s name can be molded into the other). You will also need to get a single red candle that is anointed with some of your favorite conjuring oil. If by chance you don’t have any oil to conjure, simply mix some cinnamon, clove and coriander in a little olive oil. Finally, you will need a long piece of red or blue thread.

This is how to to go about with the spell

To prepare for the ritual, take your two wax palettes and place the red candle between them. Take your string and gently wrap the two figures in the candle. Make sure they are safe enough not to fall out of the candle. Tie a knot. Here is the important part. Make sure there is enough rope on the left. You will need this to complete the spell. To perform your full moon love spell for binding love, wait for the first full moon day. Then, on the first full moon night, light your candle and visualize your intentions. Then take your extra rope and wrap it around the candle and poppies once and say the following:

“I am tied to you and you to me. In love to be, I tie you to me. ”

Let the candle burn a total of 20 minutes.

You should do this for 3 consecutive nights. On the last night, let the candle burn to the bottom. Finally, nothing of the remaining wax is discarded. You must keep this until you no longer want to be tied to this person. Keep it in a safe place and very soon you will have results with this powerful full moon love spell.

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