Hair Love Spell To Unite Two People In a Relationship


Hair Love Spell To Unite Two People In a Relationship

Within the world of magical rituals, hair witchcraft is widely used in white magic because it is very effective, especially when used as a love spell. That is why in this article, I will show you an effective witchcraft love spell with hair to fall in love with the desired person.

Materials for the witchcraft love spell with hair

  • Lock of hair (1) and lock of hair of your beloved (1)
  • Red Ribbon or Bead (1)
  • Green Ribbon (1)
  • A white candle
  • Paper bag (1)


This type of witchcraft love spell with hair is excellent in those cases where there are problems in the relationship. But, also when you want to attract a lover. So for this spell a lock of your loved one’s hair must be cut from the front of the head. Also, another one of you. Consecutively, each lock is tied with red ribbon. Then, with a green ribbon, the locks are taken and firmly tied together, forming several knots. Then the locks tied in front of them have placed a white candle. So when you kindle the candle, the following spell should be pronounced:

“By the power and force of fire, this couple is united forever. Since there is a mutual attraction and you have to be close to loving each other.”

Therefore, the candle must remain lit until it is burned out. Also, once the candle is finished, its remains are taken and placed next to the locks. They are immediately stored in a paper bag. At the same time, they are placed next to the bed on the nightstand or in a light space. Finally, you need to make sure that no one touches the paper bag. For more details regarding this witchcraft love spell with hair, please feel free to contact me.

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