Hair Love Spells Cast For You Free Online


Hair Love Spells Cast For You Free Online

The most effective hair love spells cast for you free online to make the person you like to love you more than ever. To most people, this might sound like it is a bad spell, but that is not surely the case. For this, you will need your hair and that of your lover, a small John the Conqueror root, goofer dust or graveyard earth, a sachet of love dust, a piece of brown paper, a red and black waterproof ink pen, a new Spool of red sewing thread, a sharp razor and a red flannel bag.


This is how you can cast the love spells cast for you free

To begin the love spells cast for you free,…

  1. Write your full name in black ink seven times on the paper.
  2. Then turn the paper and write, “love me or die,” with red ink on your name. Keep the paper aside.
  3. Now, with the razor, carve a hole in the root of the shape of the slit. In that hole, wedge his hair with yours and pack the slit with the mixture of sachet powder and goofer powder.
  4. Wrap the paper on which you have written around the root after wetting it well with your urine.
  5. Press the wet paper firmly around the root as you do in a paper mache. This will keep the hairs and dust tangled inside.
  6. Wrap the root lining in wet paper securely with the red thread until the paper is completely covered, like a ball of thread.
  7. When finished, tie seven knots in the thread and leave enough thread to hang it. Finish with the loop for your finger. Use the red flannel bag to transport the root. Keep moistening it with your urine when necessary. Hold it by the hanging wire and turn it back and forth.
  8. While doing this love spells cast for you free, call the man to draw him to you. Get a rhythm for the spell. Say his first name followed by the last name and at the end say love me or die.

With this spell, the man will begin to love you or get sick. Don’t give up if he gets sick. You weaken him and that’s the way you can get him. When he gets seriously ill, you can cure him so that he recovers health. And then he will be all yours forever. If you would like to know more about my love spells cast for you free online, get in touch with me now.

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