Haitian Voodoo Magic And Spells That Work Fast


Haitian Voodoo Magic And Spells That Work Fast

For many people in the Americas, the word voodoo often makes them to think of animal sacrifices, chanted spells and magical voodoo dolls. However, voodoo – like the Haitian voodoo and the types that are practiced in Africa, South America and the United States – is a religion in which patron saints and ancestral spirits are worshipped. In Haiti, this religion is known as “Vodou” and in the past, it inspired colonial resistance against the French. In this country, voodoo is not only a ritual religion, but it is also provides religious healing to its followers.

How did Haitian voodoo come into existence?

Haitian voodoo is a religion that came as a result of a merger of Central African Spirituality, Western Spirituality and Catholicism. According to some scholars, the religion was promoted by the influence of escaped slaves who used it as a source of inspiration to fuel their rebellions. In addition, it provided a common spiritual identity to the rebels. Professor C.L.R James, in his writings, referred to voodoo as a “medium of the Haitian conspiracy,” which means that voodoo was very instrumental in inciting the 1791 Haitian revolution against colonialism and slavery.

How does Haitian voodoo work?

Like I already said, followers of Haitian voodoo worship patron saints and the voodoo gods. In order to invoke these gods, they offer sacrifices (animal sacrifices) and perform ritual ceremony in which these gods are called and invited. When the power of these entities is drawn, the person can channel these potent powers to solve love problems, family problems, work and relationship problems. The voodoo gods wish well for everyone and they do not want human beings suffer. Another of those important contributions of Haitian voodoo is its role in healing and health. According to Nicholas Vonarx, an anthropologist; the religious spaces from where Haitian voodoo rites and rituals are performed have turned out to become “therapeutic sites” where sick people manage illnesses and misfortunes.

Is Haitian voodoo safe?

Although many people still associate Haitian voodoo with satanic worship and sorcery, voodoo is not that bad. It is a power that can bring many benefits into the lives of those who follow it. I would also like to point out that the idea of “badness” and “goodness” are born out of the intentions of the users of voodoo power. “Evil” is when you use a gun to kill an innocent blood. However, it is never evil to “render an enemy powerless”, no matter the means you use to achieve that. Regarding safety, I can wholesomely say that voodoo spells are safe in all ways. Would you like to try some Haitian voodoo?

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