Hex And Curse Spells – Black Magic

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Hex And Curse Spells

Hex spells and curses. No matter what you call them: black magic spells, hexes or curses: they are spells that you should be careful about because they can have adverse consequences on your karma. I am going to mention a few things about black magic spells or hexes that have been cast against you. First of all, actual curses are quite rare. Bad luck runs and matches are much more common. So if you get into a fight with someone at work and then your hard drive crashes the next day, do not just assume that you are gone and damn.

But, how do you know if hex spells and curses have been put on you?

Now, I really can’t tell you how you can tell when a curse has been placed on you. But you have to honestly look at the situation and realistically decide whether the bad luck you are experiencing is excessive or unlikely. If you start casting binding spells or reverse spells when no magic has been cast against you, there can be unintended consequences. You could make an otherwise harmless situation worse.

These hex spells and curses can be either black or white magic

I really don’t firmly believe in the entire divide between black magic and white magic. I think all spells are some shades of gray, but deliberately trying to harm someone is generally an unethical no. And so I don’t really include any curses or curses here on this site because I don’t want to encourage their use. There are generally other options, even magical, to just about any situation. You don’t have to curse someone just to keep them away from you. You can cast a banish spell to remove them from your life. Or you could cast a spell to bring justice to someone who has hurt you, or even cast a spell on yourself to help you get through the situation and let go of your anger. Regardless of the details, demons should never be part of their regular witchcraft practice. And it should never be your first choice of action. Please contact me if you would like to know more about my hex spells and curses.

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