How to cast a love spell with a picture


How to cast a love spell with a picture

Knowing how to cast a love spell with a picture is one of the fastest ways of being able to influence the love of another person for you. Picture magic is as old as man himself. Long before the invention of cameras, our ancestors could just draw pictures on the sand and through ritual performance, they would transmit their wishes onto the picture. For example, if they wanted a long-lasting relationship between two people, they would draw a picture of two people holding hands and cast a spell to keep them united forever.

This has, however, not changed at all

The only difference that we see today is that we are blessed with the invention of cameras and the availability of social media platforms from where we can have access to pictures of the people we desire. When a picture is taken, the energies that were radiating at the time of its shooting go with it and are imprinted on it. For instance, when the photo is taken during a wedding, a party, honeymoon or vacation; the energies of HAPPINESS radiate in it. So, If along the way happiness disappears from your relationship, you can use one of the photos taken during your happy moments to reinvigorate and revitalize happiness.

Today, I shall teach you how to cast a love spell with a picture

Are you having problems in your relationship – fights, skirmishes, quarrels, misunderstandings, disagreements, distancing, third party influences and many others? You can get rid of all of them by learning how to cast a love spell with a picture. All you need are your picture and that of your lover, a red ribbon, honey and a red piece of cloth. During a Friday night on a new moon phase, get the two photos and spread honey on their faces. Glue them together and tie using a red ribbon. Once done, bind the two photos in a red piece of cloth and again tie with a red ribbon. Hold the photos up and say the following:

“With this new moon, I pronounce a new beginning to our relationship. May our love refresh and renew just as the new moon does”

In the end, bury the package in a cemetery, preferably where no one can notice it. If you have any questions or want help on how to cast a love spell with a picture, please feel free to contact me.

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