How to attract love with law of attraction


How to attract love with law of attraction

Learn how to attract love with law of attraction and get the love you have been waiting for. Many of us whine and complain about not falling in love easily! We go for dates, send out gifts and display the best of ourselves to those we love without much success! But, did you know that love comes to those who also show love? And so does hatred – it goes to those who exhibit it. The law of attraction simply states that “good attracts good and bad attracts bad”. If you are good to others, they will also be good to you in return. However, the more you keep showing the negative about yourself; the more you will also attract lack of enthusiasm from others.

Ask yourself these questions:

Why is my husband always angry at me? Why does he complain about me all the time? Why is my wife going out with another man? The behaviour of your spouse can be a response to the same type of conduct that you are showing him or her. When you ignore your wife, so will she pay no attention to you and might even choose to go out with another. If you are a woman who denies your husband his conjugal rights; then you should never complain when he goes out to seek the same services from another woman. That is exactly how to attract love with law of attraction.

Learn how to attract love with law of attraction and improve your relationship

There is a story that a friend told me recently of a woman who was in a relationship with a very violent man. This man would go drinking every day and whenever he came back, the woman would receive a lashing from him. He also often game his wife certain conditions like washing his legs for him in case it was a rainy evening. Despite all this mistreatment, this woman never stopped being good to him. She even went ahead to bathe him like a baby in case he came back when he was too drunk to wash himself. Guess what happened later: the man one day apologised for the mistreatment he had exposed this woman to and even stopped drinking. So, how did this woman get her man to become good and loving? By practising how to attract love with law of attraction!

You too can use the law of attraction to attract love

Many men and women often get it wrong whenever it comes to the subject of love attraction. They think pampering someone with gifts can make that person love them. I have heard of cases in which some men go ahead to first send the girl they love to school, believing that the act would prompt the woman in question to love them and later marry them. But, this is all wrong! This is how to attract love with law of attraction: be good to others and they will also be good to you. Love them and they will also love you. Show them intimacy and you will receive intimacy in return. The nicer you are to your spouse, the nicer he or she will also be to you.

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