How To Make A Voodoo Doll

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How To Make A Voodoo Doll

I am very sure that you have come here because you want to know how to make a voodoo doll. Well, just keep reading in order to update yourself with skills on how you can do this. A voodoo doll is a tool that most occultists use in the performance of a voodoo ritual. Practitioners of voodoo use it as a gateway to transmit positive or negative energies towards the person targeted. Through this doll, a person can direct personal energies as well as those from the spiritual world. However, you must take caution when using voodoo or making a voodoo doll.

The first thing in how to make a voodoo doll is to focus on the appearance

The aspect of appearance is very paramount. Because a voodoo doll is a miniature or a symbol, it should resemble the appearance of the human being it represents. There is no need to worry about the materials you are going to use. Common materials like paper, piece of cloth, and straws can even work. Some people prefer using clay, which is just good to go. Sometimes, you can buy a plastic doll from a store. This, as you can see, is the beginning point in how to make a voodoo doll.

You will also personal belongings of the person it represents

This can include his nail clippings, hair strands, a photo of the person as well as real garments belonging to that individual. When adding hair, for instance, treat the doll as a real human being. Some of the techniques you can use is visualization and meditation. When the doll is ready, you can then address it the same way you would address the person. For example, you can say:
“You will never love any person other than me,”
The other thing you can do is to make two dolls. One will represent you and the other will represent the person you love. Then, you can bind the two with a red piece of cloth. As you do so, you can say the following:
“Nothing will separate the two of us until eternity”

Remember, only professional voodooists can use voodoo dolls effectively

Remember that a voodoo doll is not a toy. Learning how to make a voodoo doll doesn’t make you competent enough to cast a voodoo doll spell. This object can be counterproductive. So, you endeavor to consult a voodoo spells caster if you would like to cast a voodoo doll on someone.

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