Easy Spell To Remove Black Magic Effects From Someone

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I know how to remove black magic curse and I can help you

Today, I would like to teach you how to remove black magic curse in a simple way. If a person with bad intentions cast a black magic spell, it will bring many problems into your life. Black magic, when used for negative intentions like revenge, can be disastrous. Its negative powers and energies can control someone or cause harm to him or her. A simple spell can be used temporarily to block the influence of that curse and keep it from influencing that person negatively.

This spell will eliminate black magic and unblock its effects

I know how to remove black magic curse using a spell. When I cast a spell to remove black magic from your partner, it will work to eliminate the black magic spell, block its influence and protect you from harm. I am a trained professional and I know how to completely cancel out that negative influence and protect you indefinitely. If you are experiencing failures, bad luck and few opportunities; something could be wrong with you. I know how to remove black magic curse and I will help you.

What do I need to do a spell to remove black magic?

  • A black cloth
  • A sheet of paper
  • A black candle
  • A red thread
  • Peppermint
  • Mint
  • Coffee

How to perform a spell to remove black magic?

On the first night of the crescent moon, you will write on a piece of paper the complete name and date of birth of the person who you think could have cast a spell on you. If the date of birth is unknown, write the name only. Lay the black cloth on an altar and place the paper I it. Light the black candle and put ten drops of candle wax on the paper. Then put the ground coffee, spearmint and pieces of peppermint on the paper

In conclusion, fold all the ingredients in the black cloth

As you conclude how to remove black magic curse, fold the black cloth with all the ingredients in it. Tie it with a red thread and make sure that everything stays inside it and nothing escapes. When you give the final knot to the thread, say three times the name of the person who could have put the spell on you and visualize his face. Bury the knotted bag away from home and leave it there.

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