Lost Love Quotes To Use In Times Of Grief And Sadness


Lost Love Quotes To Use In Times Of Grief And Sadness

The most evocative lost love quotes. Before, I present them, I would like us to first dig deeper into the subject of “lost love”. What exactly is lost love? The phrase “lost love” is derived from the fact that at one time, you and someone else were in love. However, due to circumstances beyond your control, the two of you parted ways. That love is still existent, but it cannot be expressed and for that reason, it is therefore termed as “lost love”.

What is the best way of dealing with lost love?

In order for you to cope with separation, the first thing that you will have to do is to acknowledge the fact that the two of you have broken up. Try to embrace new activities that give you more power and where necessary, change your hobbies as well. Popular lost love quotes will induce genuine emotions and before you know it, you will be surprised by how soothing they are. Today, I have compiled a collection of lost love quotes that you can derive motivation from during times when you are face-to-face with separation.

Here are the lost love quotes that will sooth you:

If you have been searching for the most amazing lost love quotes to share with your lost love or just want to derive inspiration from them, here you will find an amazing collection lost love quotes with the most romantic touch.

  • “The depth of love is not always known until the hour of separation approaches.”
  • Gibran Kahlil

  • “ “It is possible to love someone so much, but the hardest thing to do is to love someone as much as you miss them.”
  • John Greene

  • “ “In love, our past experiences are always better than our hopes for the future.”
  • John Stendhal

  • “ “Love weakens! It turns human beings into objects of derision and pity, mewling pathetic beings whose values are no more than that of a squirming worm on pavement after a downpour”
  • Teresa Medeiros

  • “ “Although you can lose a lover, you can never lose love and death will not have any dominion over love.”
  • Thomas Dylan lost love quotes.

  • “ “Once, in the middle of my love life’s journey, I found myself in a dark forest where I could never decipher the straightway.”
  • Dante Alighieri.

  • “ “You can only know what a gift love was when it is gone. Your suffering will never cease. Fight for it and your life will be anchored.”
  • Ian McEwan lost love quotes.

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