Louisiana Voodoo, The Most Practiced Voodoo In The USA


Louisiana Voodoo, The Most Practiced Voodoo In The USA

If you take a study of the Louisianan community, you will discover that over 15 percent of the population in the state practices voodoo. Louisiana voodoo, which is also sometimes referred to as New Orleans voodoo, is a traditional religious practice which has its roots in the African Diaspora.

It is an Afro-American religion that arose within the Creole, the Spanish and the French speaking African-American population that resides in the US state of Louisiana.

It came into existence after syncretisation with Christianity

Although Louisiana voodoo is an incarnation of African based traditional religions from West Africa, it became syncretised with the Francophone and Catholicism culture of south Louisiana following the outcomes of slave trade and slavery in the United States of America. Many people often confuse Louisiana voodoo with Haitian voodoo. But, the two of them are completely inseparable. The only difference that it has from voodoo is that it emphasizes Gris-gris, the use of hoodoo occult paraphernalia, voodoo zombie and voodoo queens. The American lexicon only witnessed the introduction of terms like โ€œvoodoo dollsโ€ and โ€œGris-grisโ€ through Louisiana voodoo.

Louisiana voodoo came from Africa

The slaves that were imported from Africa AND the exiles of the 1719 Haitian revolution brought voodoo into the French colony of Louisiana. Between 1719 and 1731, the majority of the slaves that were taken into the US were captives from a country that is currently known as Benin. They brought with them their languages, their cultural practices and religious beliefs that centred in the veneration and worship of spirits and ancestors. With their vast knowledge in the use of herbs and performance of rituals, they were able to introduce religious practices from West Africa and incorporate them into the Louisiana voodoo.

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Today, Louisiana voodoo is still practiced by the black majority on Louisiana.

From the era of slavery to date, the black community has always enjoyed a strong presence in Louisiana. They practice voodoo and perform voodoo rituals to attract love, gain protection against enemies, improve their luck, get rid of stumbling blocks in their lives and attain healing from the gods. Louisiana voodoo practitioners invoke the voodoo gods through songs, prayers and dances. They offer ritual sacrifices to the gods and in return, they receive the power to solve the problems that may be affecting their lives. Are you, too, interested in voodoo?

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