Love Magic And Witchcraft in The History Of Mankind


Love Magic And Witchcraft in The History Of Mankind

Although it may seem like a story, nowadays there are many people who are interested in the esoteric world, where magic and witchcraft is the protagonist and the means to get where normality does not have access. White magic, for example, is a liturgical act of magic in which its nature, objects and methods are usually accepted in a common way by the environment where they originate. It is also the counterpart of black magic. Since time immemorial there have been people who have been known to say that they have powers and that with them they can carry out magic and witchcraft, among them priests or emperors said they were magicians. Likewise, there were also some state officials whose work was as a fortune teller or omen tellers since they were dedicated to giving omens of who would be the winners in any battle, therefore these were the magicians and practitioners of witchcraft.

In the past, witchcraft was a thing for proselytes

For its part, witchcraft used to be practiced by people of a lower cultural level and therefore cheaper, as it was believed to be a by-product of magic. People used to come to the aid of witches when bad luck was present, or when crops were not going well. Initially witchcraft was used for beneficial purposes and that is why the magic they used used to be called white magic. Such activity was carried out both in the East and in the West. An example of this was in Egypt, Rome and Greece, to whom Africa can be added since the well-known talismans to protect from the evil eye have been used there ever since.

Although persecuted, witchcraft has stood the test of time

Already with the entry of Christianity, it is when the term Witchcraft makes its presence known, making it look like a concept referred to as a heretical act and that was mainly linked to women, while the magicians went to the position of witches, starting a close fight against it. This persecution even led to public executions and imprisonments. However, despite all these stumbling blocks in its growth; witchcraft has transcended over time and is widely practiced across the world today. Would like to know how to practice witchcraft, especially witchcraft to attract love? Contact me now.

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