Love Spells Failure – Why Love Spells May Not Work

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Two Reasons For Love Spells Failure

Do love spells work? Thatโ€™s a million dollar question. However, from the perspective of a love spell caster like me, the answer is an emphatic YES! However, sometimes love spells may not also work. A love spell does not work for two reasons only:

1. First of all, it may be because the energy and the commitment placed on the spell have been insufficient (including not having clear objectives);
2. On the other hand, it may also fail due to the existence of a stronger opposing force than that of your spell.
Why do love spells work wrongly sometimes, then? Because of the opposing forces. The opposing forces need not be of magical nature. It may not be more than the will of an individual to preserve his/her right to free choice. You can redo a spell to overcome the first hurdle; the second generally cannot be overcome. Sometimes the free will of a person cannot be broken, no matter how much you are willing to succumb to the temptation to hold a negative magic. It is the right of a person to resist its magic and do not succumb to it and continue to interfere in another’s will only result in further hassles.

Love Spells failure – Realistic Expectations

You should also have realistic expectations about what magic can and cannot do and should have enough sense to know when the magic is not required. According to the natural laws of the universe, the magic will not make you fly but can help you find the money needed to have a plane ride, or to learn astral projection, or journey of the soul. The magic does not force someone you’ve never met before, to fall in love with you, although it can draw attention to you in a positive way and create a fertile garden in which love can flourish. Magic cannot make you look better, higher, more graceful, more popular, etc., but can temporarily project these images to others. It can also give you confidence to overcome physical and emotional barriers to achieving your goals. Change your mindset and stop asking questions like: Do love spells work? Stop asking about love spells failure.

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