Love Spells That Work Fast: Attracting Love and Positive Energy


Love spells have been practiced for centuries across various cultures. Whether you’re seeking to enhance an existing relationship or attract new love, these simple and effective spells can help you tap into positive energy. In this article, we’ll explore two love spells that work quickly and provide step-by-step instructions for performing them.

1. Love Comes to Me Spell with a White Candle


  • 1 white candle
  • 1 dish


  1. Prepare the Candle:

    Decorate the white candle by carving symbols such as rose petals or hearts into the wax. These symbols represent love and attraction.

  2. Light the Candle:

    Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Light the white candle.

  3. Focus on the Flame:

    As the candle burns, gaze at the flame and visualize love coming into your life. Imagine the warmth and joy that love brings.

  4. Repeat the Affirmation:

    Say aloud or silently: “Love comes to me.” Feel the affirmation resonate within you.

  5. Collect the Wax Remains:

    Allow the candle to burn completely. Collect the wax remains and store them in a drawer or a special box. Dispose of them when love enters your life.

2. Spell to Bring Back the Love of a Specific Person


  • 1 pink candle
  • Rosemary essential oil
  • Candle holder
  • Piece of paper
  • Pen


  1. Light the Pink Candle:

    Set up a quiet space with the pink candle in a candle holder. Light the candle, focusing on your intention to bring back the love of a specific person.

  2. Write Down Qualities:

    Take a piece of paper and write down the qualities you admire about the person you want to reconnect with. Be specific and heartfelt.

  3. Anoint the Candle:

    Apply a drop of rosemary essential oil to the candle. Rosemary is associated with love and fidelity.

  4. Focus on Positive Thoughts:

    As the candle burns, visualize positive interactions with the person. Imagine their return and the rekindling of your connection.

  5. Let the Candle Burn Completely:

    Allow the candle to burn down entirely. Keep the paper as a reminder of your intention.


Remember that love spells work best when performed with positive intent and belief. Trust the process, and allow the energy to flow. Whether you’re seeking new love or rekindling an old flame, these spells can help you attract love into your life.

Feel free to perform these spells with an open heart and a clear intention. May love find its way to you! 🕯️💕

Feel free to contact Dr. Nana for assistance

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