Love Spells Timeline – The Effect Of Love Spells

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Love Spells Timeline – Love Spells That Work

One of the most frequently asked questions is whether love spells work and how long they take before they start working. โ€œHow long does it take for a mooring or love spell so start workingโ€ โ€“ a client recently asked me. In most cases, the effects of a mooring or love spell usually take a few days to a few weeks to manifest. In almost all Wiccan and pagan traditions, the general rule is that if you have not seen signs that the spell has worked in four weeks (a full moon cycle), then you may have to re-do the spell. In other traditions, especially the Hoodoo tradition, spells are designed to operate over a specific period of time (for example, a spell of candle lasts seven days), and then the results some time should appear after the work is completed.

Love Spells Timeline And Their Results

Love spells do work and that has been proven. However, sometimes you will see results that are not what you were expecting, and in these cases, you may need to evaluate the method you used to make the spell or the person/spell caster you casted the spell from. That does not necessarily mean that the spell did not work. It could mean that the spell you used was too vague, or too unspecific.

Track The Love Spells Timeline In Your Diary

A good idea is to keep a magical diary of some sort. Write down what you did, when you did, what the circumstances were, etc. Write down everything that happens, so you can look back later and see if the results have already begun to manifest. This will enable you to note the changes that take place after you have casted a spell. Love spells work and there is no doubt about it.

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