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Powerful white magic love spells with candles

White magic accompanies us from the beginning of civilization and the use of candles to make spells has been one of the most effective and ancient practices. That is why making love spells with candles is one of the ways to make love moorings more used. Candles are very powerful tools for making spells, but you have to know them to get their full potential. For example, we must know how to turn them on or off so that the spells work correctly and take full advantage of their energy.

How to effective use candles in love spells with candles

In order to use them effectively in rituals or spells, they must be lit with a wooden match, no lighters. And to extinguish them, you should not blow, which would erase the effects of the spell, but extinguish it with a damper or with wet fingers. If you want to make love spells with candles that really work, you have to know which type of candles are the most appropriate. The most recommended candles for love spells are red and pink.

Simple love spells with candles to attract a lover

In order to cast this love spells with candles, you have to

  • light a candle of red color in a small altar that you have to do in a corner of your room.
  • Then you have to write the name of the person you want to attract on paper
  • then place that paper and a picture of that person next to the candle.
  • Then you have to say seven times the following words:
  • “My beloved … (name of the person to attract) is for me and I for him, that this spell gives us a”

    This ritual should be performed one day a week at dusk for three months, preferably on Fridays, the day when the energy of Venus are concentrated.

    Simple love spells with candles to fall in love with someone

    This is one of the most powerful love spells with candles. It is simple, but to be effective you must be constant. It consists of lighting four pink candles, if possible on a Friday, which is the day of Venus and will work better with her influence. After lighting the candles, you should say the following incantation:

    “That … (name of the person to fall in love with) come to me and our hearts unite”

    This prayer should be repeated until all the candles are consumed. If for any reason you have to interrupt the spell while you are performing it, extinguish the candle with a damper, never blowing it, and repeat it a week later.

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      What You Want Him/Her To Do

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