Magic, Magic Spells And Magic Spiritual Works

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Magic, Magic Spells And Magic Spiritual Works

Professor Gabriele Amorth, a professor of cultural studies at the University of Peru, categorises the different types of magic according to their powerfulness. To her, the three forms of occultism, in the order of their effectiveness and powerfulness are: black magic, white magic and rituals.
These three facets of magic have one thing in common: they are used for making hexes, spells and spiritual interventions for solving problems that a suffering man may not be able to solve in his sane state of mind.

The two most common types of magic are white magic and black magic. Many scholars often differentiate them according to the purpose for which they are employed: white magic (for good) and black magic (for vengeance and retribution).

However, when you delve deep into magic as a subject, you will discover that there is almost no difference between black magic and white magic. The two are often used to perform acts whose aims and objectives cut across.

Everything and any type of magic that is directed to the entities and supernatural forces above, regardless of what is to be achieved, can be of great value to the person doing it. Truth is that these magical works can enable any person to solve a problem, attract whatever he or she wants in any form and change the very existence and course of his life.

There are generally THREE main reasons why people seek to use these magic spells and resources and they include: fear, curiosity, satisfaction and quest for power. The advantage associated with using magic is that it is fast, effective and result oriented. You do not have to wait for counselors, elders or leaders to come and sort you out because in whatever situation you may be facing, magic can be the fastest and the quickest way of resolving it.

But, before I get even deeper, what is magic?

Black magic love spell to attract a lover

The English language dictionary defines โ€œMagicโ€ as the power that influences events using supernatural or mysterious forces.

When something is said to be magical, it implies that the thing in question has paranormal or mystical powers. It changes, moves and creates. It is necromantic, enchanted, occulted and supernatural in nature. Magic is a hidden art or science that produces certain acts with the intervention of beings that we do not see. The results of a magical intervention are always contrary to natural laws.

According to Luis Fernando Lara, a professor of cultural and occult studies at the University of Lima in Peru, magic is โ€œa set of beliefs, rites, procedures and instruments that seek to dominate nature or achieve extraordinary effects by invoking supernatural forces, and appealing to hidden but effective relationships between some objects and others.โ€ Magic constitutes the essence of many religious systems and plays a crucial role in many cultures.

It is usually distinguished from religion by being more impersonal and mechanical and by emphasizing technique. Magical techniques are generally considered to be means for specific purposes (such as defeating the enemy, invoking rain, attracting love, reinforcing relationships, etc.), but some specialists attribute a more symbolic and expressive character to this activity.

In the past, when scientific techniques had not so much evolved, magic was a practice that many cultural societies across the world used in order to achieve desired intentions. When they faced attacks from diseases, enemies and bullies; they often resorted to magic to find their ways out of such problems. Since then, these magical practices have been transmitted from one generation to another through the wisdom of the patriarchs, book records and storytelling. Professionals of magic are often referred to as shamans, spells casters, voodoo priests, traditional healers, soothsayers, psychics, tarot card readers, Sangomas and haungans. Whatever they do, they do it with the intention of ensuring that happiness, security, peace and humility reigns in that personโ€™s life.

Here are the different types of real magic

Prof. Dean Radin, one of the scientists attached to the Institute of Noetic Sciences in America asks one of the most critical question in his book โ€œReal Magicโ€: are the powers of telepathy, psychokinesis, precognition and clairvoyance real? Well, according to him, even science has the evidence to show that these powers exist.

He says that magic, in its very natural form, is real and all of us can tap benefits from the power of magic.

But, arenโ€™t these things just flights of imagination or wishful thinking? Well, according to Mr. Dean Radin, a former employee attached to USโ€™s psychic espionage program dubbed Stargate, that is not really the case.

Dean Radin did a number of experiments that confirmed that what we think can be turned into reality. All human beings have the capacity to sense other peopleโ€™s intentions and emotions from a distance. His experiments also demonstrated that intuition is very powerful and we can tap its power. These dormant powers can help us live more fulfilling and interesting lives. That is why most people have resorted to using them to change the tides of things in their lives.

Two thousand years ago, what was actually referred to as magic is what has turned out to be a scientific fact today. Magic is made up of a series effective magical techniques that come into being through mental focus. The US Army now has a wing that is carrying out research on the effectiveness of magic in battle strategy. According to Radin, magic is likely to be at the frontier of science in the future and will play a great role in discoveries and inventions.

Real magic presents itself in two forms: black magic and white magic. Black magic is made using powerful rituals and invocations directed to powerful African gods. When these gods and entities are offered sacrifices, they reward invokers with powerful energies- those that are capable of making the impossible possible. On the other hand, white magic, which also involves the invocation of angelic spirits and beings of light, can also reward the invokers with great power to heal, bring harmony and restore love and peace into relationships.

Hereโ€™s a brief history of real magic

arabic black magic spells

According to Jay S. Willis, a graduate of Arts in History and Political Science, magic and the science of the occult can be traced back to medieval Europe and pre-colonial Africa. Many times, modern people tend to believe the concepts of mages and magic that are derived from King Arthur and Tolkien legends. However, studies have revealed that modern magic has its roots in the traditional โ€“ the magic that was practiced during the Renaissance, Medieval and Ancient Romeโ€™s times. The history of real magic goes beyond even Gandalf and Merlin. If you are interested in magic, then you could as well read the different works on the subject of Medieval and Renaissance mages.

During the Medieval and Renaissance periods, many great โ€œmagicalโ€ minds originated. In these eras, there were primarily four powerful writers: Galen, Pliny, Ptolemy and Seneca. These philosophers laid a strong foundation for โ€œMagic Thoughtโ€, a concept that developed way into the Middle Ages and later into Renaissance period. Natural magic, astrology, dream magic and divination were the four most dominant ancient magic themes. Actually, the video games, comic books, films, television programs and modern fiction that we encounter today are all based on these ancient concepts.

The real magic that is practiced today is based on these. In all the sources, we learn that magic is done through performance of rituals, offering of sacrifices and incantation to the powerful gods in the universe. Man, from the very beginning of the world, has often believed in the existence of supernatural forces. He believed that when these forces are invoked, they can help man as they always work for the good of man.

It is in the light of this that spells casters, traditional healers, shamans, witchdoctors, psychics and medium are the forefront of these sacrifices and invocations.

Ancient people did not die with this knowledge. Although we still have several accounts about magic and spells, there are those that were transmitted through the oral medium. Here, elders would train the young on how to do certain rituals and how to cast spells, a thing they would keep in their brains and when the occasion deemed fit; they would also in turn transmit this knowledge to the younger ones before their death. And that is how magic survived, even during the eras of inquisition and persecution.

What are the different types of magic spells and rituals?

real magic spells that work for beginners

Before doing any spells or rituals, it is crucial that you know the different types of magic that exist, as well as their classes. Many people have often cast spells and used magic without prior knowledge. In most cases, the consequences have often been devastating to those who do it without knowing the basics. In order to prevent this from happening next time, I will analyze the different types of spells that exist and their classes.

Black magic spells

black magic love spell

It is a type that is usually used to perform the most powerful spells in the world of magic. Many people use it to attract love that never fades, performs acts of vengeance and get rid of unwanted people from their lives and in the circles of their relationships. Black magic uses the most powerful forces from a different plane of life and can be dangerous. If it is not controlled properly, it will quickly turn on the person casting the spell. For that reason, you should only practice this if you know what you are doing and if you have experience in the magical world. Otherwise, consult an experienced practitioner of this magic for help.

White magic

White magic is associated with purity and divinity. In all reality, the whole essence of white magic spells is pure. However, this should not make you believe that black magic is bad per se. The badness or goodness of a spell is determined by the intentions of the user. If you want to help a friend to find love, you can use the white magic spell. However, you can also use this spell to revenge and do all sorts of magical interventions on the person that you love.

Elemental magic

Elemental magic, as the name suggests, is cast based on the four natural elements: Fire, water, air and earth. Fire-based magic is often used to purify and cleanse and cast defensive spells. Water spells are used to heal physical or soul wounds. Air spells are used to attack since they usually move due to anger. Earth spells are often used for protective or defensive spells. They are ideal when we suspect that we are arousing much envy in our path.

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