Miracle prayer for finding love


Miracle prayer for finding love

A miracle prayer for finding love is a powerful invocation to the beings in the divine world. It is said with the intention of attracting the powerful entities and forces in the heavenly world so that they can help you find love. Many times, we find ourselves trapped in situations of loneliness and rejection. You might have love feelings for this person, yet the being in question does not reciprocate the love you have for him or her. Other times, the person you love may start to gradually lose love feelings for you. You get rejected and end up getting emotionally trapped in circumstances that bring a lot of heartache to you.

Well, all these things happen to normal human beings like you and I

As ordinary human beings, we are powerless when it comes to attracting and maintaining love. This is so because love energy belongs to a class of energies referred to as “spiritual energies”. They naturally flow to those who have the spiritual powers to attract them. Unfortunately, we all are not endowed with these spiritual powers. However, you can acquire them by saying a miracle prayer for finding love. The gods all want us to be happy. They want the best for man and always willing to come to his rescue. If you feel you have done your best in searching for love and yet every dot of your effort does not yield the love you, then it is time you presented your supplication to the gods by saying a miracle prayer for finding love.

This miracle prayer for finding love will bring you the love you want

The love god is an all powerful god. He holds the keys of the gate that leads to the palace of love, happiness and wellness. You do not have to continue suffering in situations of loneliness and anguish because of loveless-ness, lost love or unrequited love! The key to finding happiness in your love life is by saying this miracle prayer for finding love:

“Dear Guardian Angel, I come to you now because of the pain and suffering that I am undergoing. My heart aches! Every sinew of my heart has been broken by loneliness. My master and my protector, it is my humble prayer that you deliver my petition before the almighty god of love. I have suffered long enough and I trust in his divine power. Bring love into my life. Let me radiate and attract love energies wherever I go. Send me the partner you had predestined for me at the foundation of the world. May (he/she) love me with all their heart. May that person dedicate and commit to a life long relationship with me. May they find every reason to love me. Through your mastership, may this person passionately love me, feel for me, think about me and want to be by my side all the time. My Lord, you are the fountain of love. I trust in your power and I know all will be well when you intervene in my life now. Come down and fill me with love that will last forever. I say all these trusting that you will hear my prayers as you have always done. AMEN!”

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