Physical Healing Spells Using White Magic


Physical Healing Spells Using White Magic

Healing spells using white magic emanate from the transcendental influence of white magic that has been demonstrated over the many generations of human existence. This is because all the existing energy on the universe is interconnected. Even though many people believe that everything is separate, it is not like that because there is a great link that is unlikely to be perceived. And that is why white magic acts as a common thread for this flow of energy. There is a powerful and close relationship between white magic spells, karma and chakras, and all according to what is stipulated by the laws of the universe where each action that is executed reciprocally brings a reaction with the same intensity as the one that was sent.

Usually, an altar is required in the execution of healing spells using white magic

To give more strength and solemnity to white magic spells, a specific altar is used where meditation and prayers typical of this type of magic are carried out slowly and serenely. It can be a room, or a space designated for it in an area, so it is recommended that this space be provided with a white candle, accompanied by a five-pointed star, although there are also people that include a crucifix. Popular belief indicates that the more rites are performed on said altar, the greater the energy that flows and the power that is obtained from said altar, and therefore more power is obtained out of the healing spells using white magic.


How to heal with your hands using white magic?

It is not an invention of healers or just a story based on some ancient history since it is possible to heal with your hands. It is known that most of those we now know as saints already did, as well as many seers. But this type of activity is not exclusive to a few, since perhaps you can also do it after hard work and this is because the hands are the perfect vehicle through which the healing energy can be guided, so you can contact your energy, then you can heal. Like all art or craft, this is an activity that must be learned gradually without precipitation in order to learn about everything related to matters inherent to healing. To get a good understanding of what a cure is, you must first understand what the disease is about. Before casting the healing spells using white magic.

An esoteric definition of what a disease is

We always have the idea that defining a disease is a complex act, but if you look at it from the esoteric point of view, it is not. When referring to a disease, it is only an imbalance in the spiritual realm and a physical imbalance. According to the esoteric, diseases begin when a person becomes unbalanced from the different energy bodies, which leads to a discomfort that is reflected in the physical body that when it develops ends in a disease. This is a concept that many ordinary people usually take long to understand. However, if you would like an in-depth understanding of this, then you should first speak to a qualified caster of the healing spells using white magic.

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