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How To Cast My Powerful Lemon Love Spell For Lost Love
Requirements for casting the lemon spell are: A fresh lemon, A small piece of paper (pink if you have one), Thread or red tape
In the paper, write your name and the name of your ex, and then cut the lemon into 2 halves. Try to cut them more uniformly as you can. Fold the paper so that the names are touching, and enter it as a sandwich between the pieces of lemon. Tie the red thread around the lemon to hold it together. In doing all this, visualize that your loved one returns to you, and how happy it makes you feel. Now put the little bundle of lemon in the freezer (yes, the freezer) and try to hide it in the back so that absolutely no one can see it. You can wait to see your ex back into your life in one week after casting my powerful lemon love spell.
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Simple And Powerful Lemon Love Spell Cast For Your Lost Lover
This is one of my most effective spells to get your ex back fast. The relationship is over but you still have feelings inside you and want with all your heart that that person comes back into your life. Do you want to recover your ex? These are the best love spells to bring back the ex-lover simply and faster. Now, before going further, I would like to indicate that these spells should not be taken lightly. Relationships end for a reason, and magic is no substitute to let time heal your broken heart. But if you lost your ex because they were inconvenient once or there was some misunderstanding (i.e, does not mean they do not get along), then you can give a chance to my free spells to get your ex back fast
If this simple spell to get your ex back to you doesnโt work, contact me so that I can do it for you.