Powerful prayer for the one you love

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powerful prayer for the one you love

There are many things that may prompt you to say a prayer for the one you love. To begin with, you may have admired someone and want the person to fall in love with you. Secondly, you might be in love with someone who is not always willing to return your love feelings. Furthermore, it could be that you are trapped in a relationship with a man or woman who has started losing love feelings for you. Maybe the person you love has abandoned you and has gone to start another relationship. The man or woman you love may have started cheating on you. He or she may not be willing to commit to a lifelong relationship with you. It could also be that the person in question is violent, dominating and ruthless. All these situations bring heartaches, sufferings and depressions.

However, when you say a prayer for the one you love to change, all will be well

From the foundation of the world, prayer has been a powerful tool for spiritual empowerment. The human being is a spiritual being. His creator too is spiritual and through spirituality, he can connect with his creator – the one who holds all the powers that can change his life. No matter how big the stumbling block in your way of love is, know that you can get rid of it when you say prayer for the one you love. A prayer for the one you love, when said with faith; can change the way your lover feels for you. It will transform that man or woman into the kind of person you want him or her to be.

Remember, prayer should be accompanied with faith

Our Lord, when he was still on Earth told us of the importance of having faith in the divine. “Pray believing that you will receive it from Him and surely, it will come your way”. I know this could be something hard for a first-timer and that is why I want such a person to understand that the spiritual world can only be accessed through faith. The more you trust in the power that holds the world in space, the more this divine power will fill your whole being. Likewise, if you believe that god has the power to change the way your lover behaves, then saying a prayer for the one you love will surely work to change the feelings of your lover, transform your love life and bring happiness into your relationship.

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