Powerful White Magic Spell To Bless A Person

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Powerful White Magic Spell To Bless A Person

Effective white magic spell to bless a person. In white magic, a practitioner can bless another person using the powers of visualization. By performing some rituals and incantations, it is possible for anyone to be blessed at any time of the day or night. If your powers of visualization are very weak, the most recommended thing would be to get in touch with a practitioner who has been performing visualization spells for over a decade now. However, before you begin this spell, you must hold in possession with you a picture or an image belonging to that person. It could also be just an article belonging to the person

You will also need a glass of wine to perform this spell with

However, do not drink the alcohol prescribed in this spell if it is bad for you. Instead, use a glass of plain mineral water. Get to a quiet place. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for a few seconds. Imagine it becomes very quiet. Imagine the person you want to bless using this white magic spell to bless a person. Then take a sip of wine or water. Now imagine a large blue sky above the individual. In the sea of stars above the image, one-star grows larger than the other. This particular star gets bigger and bigger until finally a tear of moisture falls, which is really good energy and envelops the person who is thinking. Envision that individual who becomes prosperous, healthy, and smiling. Imagine that person is alive and well and at peace. At the end of it all, thank the universe for bringing your wishes to fulfillment.

Remember, this is a white magic spell

White magic spells are not as powerful as black magic spells. Sometimes, your lack of blessing or bad luck could be a result of another spell that has been cast on you. In this case, you will need a powerful force emitted by black magic spirits. If you do not receive any blessing or healing using this powerful white magic spell to bless a person, you can as well cast a powerful black magic spell to open the paths of luck and success so that the person you want can receive the blessing you want them to get.

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