Prayer for marriage protection


Prayer for marriage protection

With the many problems and challenges that marriages face nowadays, everyone must be on the guard to ensure that the relationship they enjoy with a lover is safe and secure. Many marriages have lost a sense of direction. Couples cheat on each other. They tell lies to each other and are never honest at all. There are also circumstances when third parties, enemies and other forces threaten to tear apart strong marriages and it is for this reason that a prayer for marriage protection becomes necessary.

God has the power to heal and protect marriages

Many couples usually give up so soon after a crisis in their marital affair. They seem to think that time will heal the differences and challenges they are experiencing in the relationship. But, one thing that such people ought to know is that marriage is a battle. It is a battlefront where lovers have to contend with both external spiritual and physical forces that threaten to break down their love unions. And if yours is still peaceful, you must be on the guard to ensure that it remains peaceful forever. One way of ensuring that your relationship enjoys solid protection is by constantly saying a prayer for marriage protection.

The entity to which this prayer is addressed doesnโ€™t matter

There are many entities in the spiritual world. God is supreme. The angels come next. We also have the saints, the love gods and goddesses and other deities that I may not mention here. For as long as you have faith that the god, goddess, spirit or entity that you serve will answer your prayer; say that prayer for marriage protection with conviction that what you desire will definitely come to pass. Faith is very paramount when it comes to the world of prayers.

Finally, remember to pour your heart to your god

Many people usually think that prayers said for them by other people are more powerful. That is absolutely wrong. In prayer, we present our supplications to an almighty being and our presentations should be loaded with deep feeling. When another person says that prayer for you, it may lack the force and power of your heartfelt need for divine intervention. That is why I personally donโ€™t encourage the use of a pre-published prayer for marriage protection in your quest to make your marriage secure. You can craft your own prayer and everything will come to pass as you want.

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