Prayer To St Cyprian And Justina For Love, Money And Protection

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Prayer To St Cyprian And Justina For Love, Money, And Protection

If you are currently facing some problems in your love relationship, money, or feel the need to receive protection from supernatural powers; then you have come to the right place. Today, I present this prayer to St Cyprian and Justina, and with faith, I know it will solve all your love problems and provide solutions to many other things as well. Many times, relationships can be attacked by all sorts of problems. These problems might affect the most vital areas of your love life. However, this effective prayer to St Cyprian and Justina will fix it all.

However, you might ask: who is Saint Cyprian?

In the world of spirituality, St. Cyprian is popularly referred to as the saint that reigns over wizards and witches. According to history, he is said to have been an expert in the making of white magic love spells. Saint Cyprian was born in Antioch. Since he belonged to a wealthy family, he went to some of the best schools in his country. When he was thirty years old, he became a Christian. However, he devoted much of his time to the study of sacred writings. Later, the church accused him of engaging in witchcraft and sorcery. As a punishment, he was thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil. However, he came out unharmed. Later, they cut off his head.

A prayer to St Cyprian and Justina will call him to come to your rescue

If you have been searching for a lover in vain, say this prayer to St Cyprian and Justina and your lover will come back into your life. Maybe you are only interested in revitalizing your love life. You want your lover to love you more than ever before. Hereโ€™s the chance to revitalize your relationship. When he comes, he will give you that extra help that you need in order to attract love back into your life.

St. Cyprian, Bishop, and martyr in the realms of the spiritual,
Save me from the malefactors and spells that my enemies are casting upon me
You were endowed with immense spiritual power.
With your assistance, I am sure I will reign over my enemies and evil.
Never will I succumb to any of their evil deeds.

In you, there is help for those in need.
Healing flows from the throne of your mercy.
You break curses and unshackle those in spiritual bondage.
The afflicted heart receives consolation from you.
You are the most just heavenly being.

Your mercies are with the helpless
You are a friend to the truants and the vagabonds
You console them and give them peace of mind.
All those who are afflicted, brokenhearted and disillusioned come to you.
With faith, I call upon you to ease my anxiety.
Bless my love life and get rid of all obstacles.
Spread love and let the seeds of passion and romance sprout in my life.
Through my afflictions, I will constantly exalt your name.
Come to me now, blessed Cyprian because I need you.

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