Recommendations For Using Black Magic and Reference Books


Recommendations For Using Black Magic and Reference Books

In general, people go through life loaded with many concerns and questions that still do not have answers. Among all that knowledge that you want to find is black magic and how it works. Possibly some things are already known about white magic or black magic. Sometimes this is only done with the idea of having a general knowledge on the subject, at other times it is a path that you want to travel loaded with energies that must be channeled properly and wisely.

Origin of black magic

The idea that black magic was born at the same time as white magic is handled in a sort of counterpart to each other only because it is well known that the human being is a dual entity, where there is good and good. Bad, light and dark, that is, composed of opposites. Magic is not an activity accessible to everyone who wants to have it in their power and that is why it is not in fashion in the different eras that humanity has gone through.

Black magic is without limits, beyond good or evil.

To understand how it is used, its objectives and premises, we must go beyond the obvious because perhaps we will only find the background of it, but to investigate is the primary purpose and in this way to lay the very clear foundations of it. The main premise of black magic is to invade! This is perhaps the most important premise in black magic because its objective will always be the invasion of the territory of another, modifying or changing their reality for which all means are used. In this way, black magic will seek the way through rituals, spells, spells or whatever it must do, to reach an end. On many occasions black magic is used in the workplace, in politics, in business, but it is also used in a lamentable way in love.

That is why it is known that it has no limits, because it will use all means and will not stop for anything or anyone.

Now, being aware that black magic is nothing more than a lack of respect for the other, it can only grow as the dark side of a person is cultivated with negative tendencies such as lack of love, lack of respect for the others, selfishness, the thirst for revenge, among many other feelings that lead a being to transform into a dark person who is feared. Among the things that are used in black magic to perform the rites are candles in dark colors, dead animals, objects whose energy power is dark, organic matter, images that awaken low emotions or that represent satanic acts in addition to all kinds of energy with which people can not even feel at their best.

Recommended books about black magic

If you want to find out more about the world of black magic, I recommend you read The Necronomicon incantations, enchantments, exorcisms and formulas, written by Abdul Alhazred, the book of Black Magic whose author is Waite Arthur Edward as well as the book of the Black magic. Or, The great book of witches written by Rafael Mรฉrida Jimรฉnez, in addition to the Spells Book for the lonely witch Magic and Occultism.

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